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Amazon's 2024 Holiday Invitation- Only Sales

A guide to great deals being hosted on Amazon for Black Fridayish Deals for 2024

By Hope MartinPublished 7 months ago 4 min read

I personally am a devoted Christmas Shopper. Generally, by November, I have at least 90% of my Christmas shopping completely done. I buy things throughout the year for my family. We struggle way too hard to feel the Christmas time crunch, okay? So when Black Friday deals come around I am happy to be able to pick and choose which deals I want to cash in on, and be able to even afford some of those bigger price-tag gifts. And since I have big-crowd anxiety, Black Friday shopping in a store is absolutely out of the question. So, I stay online for the Holiday Deals, and do my best to leave the craziness to the Fight Class humanoids of the world.

And I'm not going to lie, being in the Amazon affiliate program so I can see what deals are going to happen early is extremely beneficial, so I can save and plan ahead of time with the paycheck schedules for everyone in the household for the days those deals occur (I don't use affiliate links to purchase my own items on Amazon, that is not allowed, just clarifying, I just know when the deals are happening so I can order the moneybags to order the items on the day of the deal - just in case that confused anyone).

Then I realized that I could help a lot of people if I just made an article talking about these deals. I have a love/hate relationship with providing affiliate links, due to the fact that I care about what people think, and I don't want them to think that I'm after their money. The commission doesn't pay enough for me to be thought poorly of. But I think I've been thinking about it all wrong.

So today, I am providing an extensive list of great gifts that are on sale on Amazon through the holidays, in hopes that maybe I can help you guys get Christmas shopping done a little more stress-free!

First, let's talk about invitation-only limited prime deals.

An invitation-only deal is basically something that you can only be invited by Amazon to purchase. You have to request an invitation on the deal, and it will send you an email about when that item will be available!

It's actually pretty interesting because it's like RSVPing on a popular item that might sell out before you get a chance to purchase it. From what I understand, usually the items are Amazon-specific products, usually technology. These deals are great because they are a HUGE bargain on popular items that are a little pricy.

Not every invite request will be accepted for these items, so the sooner you get your request to be invited in on your items, the better. The link is on the right side of the page for "Request Invite."

So, here is a list of some of the hottest items that are by Amazon Invitation only:

Limited Edition Star Wars Stands for Amazon Echo Dot (4th and 5th Generation

There are three options for this exclusive invite-only sale. Star Wars Lovers who are Amazon Echo Dot 4th or 5th gen owners, or perhaps aspire to be may find motivation to request an invite for these sales. The Mandalorian's blue and black, an adorable little Darth Vader stands, or if you are a Storm Trooper fan, I would suggest requesting an invite to this sale now. These little guys are usually about $40, but with the sale, they will dip down to $30 for a limited time.

To my husband and brother reading this: We do not have Amazon Dot. We do not need Amazon Dot. No. No, I said. I mean it. I'll make you Darth Vader pancakes in the morning to make up for it. K?

3rd Generation Amazon Blink Outdoor Camera Set

At a whopping 65% off, Amazon Blink Outdoor 2-camera sets are down to $62.99 during the holiday sale. Considering this particular part is sold at $180 usually, this is a pretty good steal. Waterproof, motion-detector, infrared night vision, long-lasting battery, no wiring, easy install, it works with Alexa, and you can see, talk and hear through the cameras live through your phone.

This is really a class for home monitoring. As someone who has home-security, and who is a proud ex-employee of ADT security, this product is actually something I've requested an invite to myself. Imagine having absolute control over your camera system, and be able to use it for communication to those who are at your home when you are away!

Ring Floodlight Camera (Wired) Pro With Bird's Eye View Camera and 3D Motion Detection

Not going to lie. This is kind of a sexy home-security product. It's sleek, and kind of action-movie looking. I know that sounds lame, but it's literally in the description. There are two floodlights and a ring camera. It's motion detection. It's got all the bells and whistles of a ring camera, but floodlights are attached.

This product is usually $270, but during the invitation-only sale, they will be $199 (26% off).

Keep an eye out for more articles by me for more early Black Friday Deals by Subscribing!

My links are affiliate links, so I may earn a commission on any purchases after clicking the links! Thank you in advance for helping me provide for my family!

Time is precious, so thank you for giving my article some of yours to read. I hope you enjoyed it, and please feel free to subscribe!


About the Creator

Hope Martin

I am a published author of a book called Memoirs of the In-Between. I am doing a rewrite of it, as it needed some polishing. I am a mom, a cook, a homesteader, and a second-generation shaman.

Find me on Medium also!


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