Creator Spotlight: Gigi Robinson

"Start showing up for yourself and declaring what you deserve." - Gigi Robinson

By Vocal SpotlightPublished 4 years ago 8 min read

Gigi Robinson is a content creator, photographer, consultant, and influencer based out of Los Angeles. When she's not creating dynamite content, she's leading by example and giving back to the creative community with tips on how to succeed in the ever-changing digital world.

Gigi, also known as @itsgigirobinson, leads a lifestyle fueled by body positivity and self-respect. She makes creators feel accepted for who they really are, inviting them under her wing as she traverses across the internet from one platform to the next. Connecting with her followers is her number one priority—one that we greatly admire.

As someone who lives with a chronic illness, Gigi continues to offer a safe space for all those like her who have a lot more going on beneath the surface. Coming to terms with who you are isn't always easy; but, seeing people like Gigi who continue to kill it is all the proof that anything is possible with determination and a positive mindset.

We're delighted to highlight Gigi in this #VocalSpotlight!

On Herself, Her Education, and Building Her Brand:

Hi! My name is Gabrielle, but you can call me Gigi! You may know me as @itsgigirobinson on all of my social media platforms, tiktok, instagram, facebook, twitter, youtube, quack and twitch!

I grew up in New York City, went to the Fame school, LaGuardia High School of Music, Art and Performing arts and then off to college at FIT. I decided that I wanted to have a full college experience so I transferred to the University of Southern California in Los Angeles to pursue my Bachelors in Fine Arts, Design and Photography!

Since, I have built my brand around advocacy for body positivity and chronic illness, beauty reviews of clean beauty products and overall having a positive mindset. I have taken up creative content production and freelancing as an influencer throughout my time at USC and continue to do it because I know that it is the way for me to help people.

On Writing and The Relationship Between Visual and Written Content:

I always loved writing, educating and creating work for people to digest on their own time and at their own pace. While photos and videos provide the show, writing provides the tell when it comes down to a story. For a successful story, I think you need both, the photo shows off the product in your personal way while the writing explains how you use it, why it's important and how it influences your life.

With Vocal, I have been able to share about amazing products, my lifestyle and generate a passive income while doing it… my only regret? Not starting sooner.

On What Inspires Her To Create:

I am inspired to create because I know that the content will reach and help other people. I want to create a community where people can find inspiration and motivation to be better, and where I am a resource to them for a variety of reasons including body positivity, positive mindset, chronic illness resources, college lifestyle and creative production.

I have always been inspired by my peers, but on top of that I have admired mindset coaches like Tony Robbins, Ed Mylett, John Maxwell and manifestation experts including Manifestation Babe, The Balanced Blonde and more.

On Creative Outlets Besides Writing She Enjoys:

I absolutely love photography and have recently gotten into videography and short form video production for tiktok videos.

I would love to continue working on blogging and growing my youtube channel.

On Her Voice and Attempting To "Spark Change":

I have always been one to advocate and speak up for myself when I see something that needs changing. I had my first encounter with being my own advocate when I was trying to get my diagnosis for my chronic illness, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

Because many symptoms of this condition are invisible, some doctors did not believe me. After my initial diagnosis, I became interested in bringing disability and chronic illness into the media space and figuring out ways that I can bring diversity to the greater space of advertising.

In my junior year of high school I began a project that I later finished in my freshman year of college focusing on including different ethnicities, body shapes and sizes in theoretical magazine covers and producing a short documentary titled “I am a Supermodel”.

As time moved, my chronic illness became a focus in my life, further pushing me to talk about how it impacted my life, specifically how you can’t see what's going on. Throughout my junior and senior year of my BFA, I focused my energy on creating images and documenting my life as a chronically disabled person when on the outside, it looks like nothing is wrong. I ultimately produced a book that has been picked up by a major hospital in Los Angeles which details my encounters with my chronic illness through imagery.

I have been more vocal on my social media platforms in advocating for myself and others, especially when things do not feel right in my body. I have also grown my social media platforms based on my transparency about chronic illness and advocating for normalizing body representation in media and on social media. Representation is important so that we can have a better, more understanding perspective on how we can include everyone in conversations, this is true especially for brands.

On The Balance Between Personal Content and Content For Businesses:

It is on the more complex side honestly; if you know your worth you can have a profitable business, if you do not, people will take advantage of you and your (free) business.

I learned the value of knowing your worth when I was a freshman in college, people said that I was too young to be charging the rates I charge, to which I said: “I am a professional photographer and legally you are not entitled to knowing my age, therefore my age is not a factor in the prices I charge”. I want to help other people realize their worth creatively while also helping myself grow, working and consulting with other people is my way of doing that!

I love both sides of being a content creator. I really love making content that is unique to each brand and showcases my creative photography and short form video skills simultaneously. However, one of the most rewarding parts of my business is when clients receive a higher bid or compensation after coaching.

On Being A "Jill Of All Trades" In Content Creation:

It is overwhelming to be the Jill of all trades, and I will always say that! Something that I have always worked on instilling in myself and my workflow is to get better and ideate on everything that I am working on while also actively trying to get better at what I do.

I would say that photography is my primary medium that I like to work with, but it has helped expose me to other elements of social media that involve videography and short form video editing. I don’t want to say one form is more sustainable over another because honestly, the most important thing that you need to be successful is your work ethic and habits.

I began my social media journey to elevate my photography and grow my business that way, I just did not know that it would eventually evolve to give me a platform to share my voice in the way that I do today.

On How Vocal Helps Her Connect With Her Followers:

Vocal allows me to find a way to write about topics that I may not have shared about on my instagram; also finding an opportunity to talk about brands in a unique, authentic way.

I absolutely love working and writing on Vocal because there are so many niches and opportunities to write and grow as an artist.

On What's Keeping Her Sane During These Crazy Times:

Luckily, I have my dog, I literally don't know what I would do without her. She helps remind me to go outside for a breath of fresh air and to take some breaks to just get my mind off of the screens. I have actually found peace in working from home and found strategies to help me thrive creatively. I have had some of the best months I have ever had with my content creation and creative ads with brands because I was seeking a creative outlet, so as I grew my tiktok channel, I was able to broaden my horizons in my business as well.

Generally, I really do have the outlook that everything happens for a reason, obviously there is no control over the global pandemic, however we do have control over our productivity and tenacity to seek opportunities that can benefit us financially.

This is a time to connect and reflect with ourselves and our goals in life; for me that was expanding my social network and learning how to excel and establish myself in the industry. I also realized that I have to focus on me and that it is okay to cut toxic relationships off and set boundaries with people in your life. I have gently let go of people in my life that no longer serve me, I have learned to stop being dedicated to people who are inconsistent in showing up as my friend, and people who show me that project versions of themselves in a negative way when they see my success.

Isolation is an obstacle that we all face at some point, but it is a great measurement of how we stay connected with each other and those that have a positive impact on our lives. It sucks to lose people in your life who you once connected with, but at the end of the day you don’t want shitty people in your life who never were there for you in the first place. Start showing up for yourself and declaring what you deserve.

On Her Favorite Story She's Published on Vocal:

I love helping other people and giving them the resources they need to succeed in their own pursuits, especially when it comes to content creation. I love that I can help people and connect with them through writing even if I have never met them before!

Don’t think about it—first thing that comes to mind:

What is one thing you couldn’t live without?

My camera, nikon d810

Favorite Musical Artist at the moment?

Lake street dive

Cats or dogs?


Favorite travel destination?


By Johannes Andersson on Unsplash

Day or Night?


Favorite local restaurant?

El Rio Grande - NYC

What’s your go-to late night snack?

Dairy Free icecream (my favorite is planet oat)

What are you currently binge watching?

Everything on Disney+

If you could speak a new language, what would it be and why?

ASL sign language because i want to be able to communicate with more people.

Favorite story you read on Vocal by another creator?


Thanks for chatting with us, Gigi! There's something so great about the content you create; it's like your confidence is contagious! We always love to share @itsGigiRobinson stories, not only because they're enjoyable to read, but because they're so helpful to creators who are looking for ways to grow their online presence and connect with their audience.

You inspire the people who follow your journey to feel comfortable in pursuing their passions. We're so thankful to have you on Vocal (we have a serious soft spot for #CreatorsSupportingCreators).

Keep up with all that is @itsGigiRobinson by following her on Instagram, TikTok, and all of her other pages! Thanks again, Gigi!


About the Creator

Vocal Spotlight

Vocal Spotlight aims to highlight standout creators who are changing the world one story at a time. We're getting to know the storytellers who inspire us the most, and we can't wait for you to meet them.

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