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Psyche/ Death Cab for Cutie

"I will possess your heart" named one of the 25 most creepiest songs about love

By Natasha CollazoPublished 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read
Music video prompt

You may recognize Lindsey Burdge from "A Teacher" or "Midnight swim" in the 8-minute long video "I will possess your heart" by Death Cab for Cutie. This American rock band is classified as indie rock, indie pop, and alternative rock with Vocalist Ben Gibbard.

"I will possess your heart" is one to get lost in. The song is mesmerizing with its consistent instrumental bass.

This is probably one of my favorite songs to listen to when feeling inspired. I usually play it for long drives, background noise, or just for an intentional day dream.

The video begins with a pretty lengthy intro of repetitive bass and piano chords without lyrics. The vocals kick-in around the 5-minute mark. The eerie lyrics start the song with,

"How I wish you could see the potential ,

The potential of you and me

It's like a book elegantly bound, but

In a language that you can't read just yet"

The picture casts an ordinary girl, traveling solo around the world, unbothered. Her role portraying, a lonely, unfulfilled weary traveler.

As I continued further research on the meaning behind the video and song, I decided to label this one under the category "Psyche" as the message is a deep thrill and discovery that isn’t meant to read on the surface.

Just like poetry, music videos are a similar art, leaving viewers in question interpreting the plot. Those are my favorite kind of videos, poetry, songs and paintings. Ones that make me drift.

"You gotta spend some time, love

You gotta spend some time with me

And I know that you'll find love

I will possess your heart

There are days when, outside your window

I see my reflection as I slowly pass

And I long for this mirrored perspective

When we'll be lovers, lovers at last"

The haunting chorus and this verse translates the obsessiveness of his love for someone, that is not reciprocated back.

His message is, if you spend time with me, eventually you’ll fall deeply in-love with me.

Now, I’m not one to argue this theory, as I have fallen for this trap one too many times ha-ha!

There have been men I’ve fallen in-love with that I would never usually go for by just spending time with them, and with their obsessive, yet charming persistence, the goal is to possess my heart, like a little fat Cherub with a bow and an arrow. I have found this method to be more about possessing than loving because of how it always ends in the long hall. There's never usually intention to work through things once the obsession runs dry.

In the song he goes a little further stating,

"You reject my advances and desperate pleas

I won't let you let me down so easily

So easily"

This names the song one of the 25 creepiest songs about love. The video required the actress, director, and a crew of two traveling 27,977 miles in 13 days! Could you imagine how tiresome one must be after traveling four continents, in just under two weeks! I hope her paycheck was fat, although you don’t have to pay me to travel the world.

Lastly, one thing I noted, was they begin the video playing in some sort of freezer while ending the video with it growing colder forming icicles. As things begin to frost, she migrates to warmer climates, giving the psychological idea of two individuals being “so far apart” displaying "the pair"- or lack there of, emotionally and physically disconnected.

End Scene

Whether creepy or not, this song is nowhere short of five stars and is a TOP NOTCH banger that was nominated and awarded the 2009 Grammy Award for Best Rock Song.



This is an entry for Sleepy drafts unofficial challenge March music video prompt:

The communities featured for this prompt follow below, and of course I chose Psyche. :)






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About the Creator

Natasha Collazo

**Studying Modern Journalism @ NYU **

Student @ American Writers & Artists Institute

Project: The diary of an emo Latina

Content and freelance creator


Inquiries: [email protected]

Instagram: @sunnycollazo

Do all things in love

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran3 months ago

    I've not watched the two movies that you've mentioned but I know her from The Invitation. I reallyyyyy loved the lyrics to this song! Also, I believe that spending time with someone would make people fall in love but living with that said person would nake people fall out of love, lol. I loved your entry to this challenge!

  • I used to hold this belief, that if someone would just get to know me they'd fall in love with me. I may still be crazy, but I ain't that far gone anymore.

  • I love this song and this band lol! Great read!

  • sleepy drafts3 months ago

    OOOOOF. Natasha, this was so freaking good. I love this song, music video, and your review/analysis of it. This is such a creepy perspective on the song that I never even really thought about; your observation here is astute, "I have found this method to be more about possessing than loving..." This is remarkable, Natasha. Bravo. 💗

  • Fascinating read Natasha!

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