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Is Love Brain Disorder a Threat to Relationships

Let's read about four components of real love

By I. R. PathakPublished 27 days ago 3 min read
Created on Ideogram

Recently, the South China Morning Post reported that Xiaoyu, a teenage girl from China, has been diagnosed with "Love Brain Disorder". She had a habit of calling her boyfriend over 100 times a day. She would get upset if he didn't answer. On one occasion, she even smashed household objects in frustration. When she threatened to jump from the balcony her boyfriend called the police. They took her to the Fourth People's Hospital in Chengdu. At that time, doctors diagnosed her with Borderline Personality Disorder. It's also known as "Love Brain Disorder".

Dr. Du Na, a professional medical physician at the hospital says the condition can come with anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. An unhealthy relationship with parents during childhood often causes this disorder. People with a milder form of the condition can recover by learning to control their emotions. But, those with severe symptoms need medical help.

It affects a person's ability to manage their emotions. This leads to impulsivity, self-image issues, and relationship problems. But, there are effective treatments to manage the symptoms. They also improve the person's well-being.

"Let's Understand What Love Brain Disorder Is."

Love Brain Disorder is not a clinically recognized disorder. But, it refers to an unhealthy fixation on another person as if they are an object or possession. Symptoms of this disorder may include delusional jealousy. An obsession makes a person believe in infidelity. The beliefs are irrational and unfounded. People with obsessive love struggle to control their emotions. They may have possessive thoughts and low self-esteem.

Scholars have long struggled to define 'real' love. There is no single list of criteria to tell obsessive love from true love. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines love as a complex emotion. It involves feeling tenderness and affection. And, it involves feeling pleasure in the presence of the other person. Also, it involves devotion to the other person's well-being. Love can take many forms, such as familial love, love for friends, erotic love, and self-love.

Some experts say that romantic relationships have three key parts passion, intimacy, and commitment. The triangular theory of love is what people call it. For some people, these feelings may become so strong. They become obsessed with controlling and owning the person they love. They may seem to worship their partner. But, they can get angry or jealous at the smallest hint of a threat.

Love has four components: attraction, connection, trust, and respect. In obsessive love, some of these factors may be absent. For example, very jealous people may not trust their partner. This lack of trust may lead to controlling. They may constantly watch their partner's actions. Obsessive love may focus on owning or controlling a partner rather than seeing them as an equal. People with obsessions may focus on their needs. They may not love and want the best for the other person.

Obsessive love may involve a fake relationship. A person has delusions of a higher-status person being in love with them. People know this disorder as Erotomania. People with this condition focus on receiving love rather than giving it.

Here are conditions related to love and the brain. These include love addiction and obsessive love disorder.

1. Love Addiction

This condition involves behaviors resembling addiction within romantic relationships. Imagine someone who constantly seeks new partners. They also have extreme emotional highs and lows in relationships.

Symptoms might include:

✅Fixation on romantic fantasies.

✅It is hard to focus on other parts of life. This is due to an obsession with romance.

✅Using relationships to escape from negative emotions or reality.

✅Relentlessly pursuing new relationships despite detrimental consequences.

Treatment for love addiction often involves therapy. This therapy might be cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or psychotherapy. It aims to address emotional issues and foster healthier coping methods.

2. Obsessive Love Disorder (OLD) is an overwhelming fixation on one's romantic partner


✅Persistent thoughts about the partner, often to the detriment of other activities.

✅Jealousy and possessiveness, leading to controlling behaviors.

✅Fear of abandonment or rejection, resulting in clinginess or intrusive behavior.

✅Struggles with maintaining healthy boundaries in the relationship.


Treatment for obsessive love disorder usually includes therapy. It uses cognitive-behavioral techniques to challenge irrational thoughts and foster healthier relationships. In some cases, doctors may prescribe drugs. They are for managing anxiety or depression.

These phenomena lack official medical recognition. But, they deeply impact individuals' lives and relationships. Getting help from mental health professional is vital. It helps with managing symptoms and improving well-being.

Love Diagnostic Test

Do you think your relationship is unhealthy or facing problems? Take this test to assess your romantic relationship and see if it's heading in the right direction.

Here is the link.

Disclaimer: This test is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional diagnosis or for the treatment of any health condition.

Originally published on Medium.


About the Creator

I. R. Pathak

Educationist by career, writer-poet by passion, thinker by nature, humorous by habit. Love to share thoughts and experience.

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  • Rosie𐙚27 days ago

    Wow such an educational piece, thanks for sharing! I never knew about "Love Brain Disorder" until now

  • Fascinating! Well researched and well written!

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