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8 Transformative Journal Prompts for Abuse Survivors

Empowerment and Healing Through Self-Reflection

By Veronica WrenPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Petrified Forest National Park. Photo by author: Veronica Wren

When I was first diagnosed with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), I felt confused, overwhelmed, and alone. I’d escaped my abusive relationship of five years only to learn that, in many ways, I may never be completely free.

Feeling prepared helps me tremendously when it comes to tackling any obstacle, so I went into research mode. I quickly noticed that although trauma disorders are common in cases of intimate partner violence, there’s a surprising lack of resources tailored specifically toward long-term recovery from that trauma.

It looked like I’d just have to create my own resources. So I did.

Pulling from my personal experiences with abuse, a five-year history working in the justice system, and a lifetime of other hands-on professional and educational experience in trauma and mental health, I began the long and arduous journey of tending to my trauma wounds.

Guided Journaling

I find guided journaling to be a helpful and rewarding coping strategy. However, I often struggle to find prompts that are specific enough to illicit a genuine and non-canned response.

This dilemma resulted in my decision to create a list of journal prompts that were specific to my situation. I started jotting down topics or questions that came to me throughout the day as I reflected on and discussed my experiences with others. Many of these prompts have inspired entire articles which I’ve shared on my blog.

Below are a few writing prompts specifically tailored toward anyone who’s struggled as a result of intimate partner violence (IPV). Whether you’re navigating the traumas of your past or charting a course towards a brighter future, these prompts offer a space for you to safely traverse your emotions and thoughts.

If any of the prompts below inspire you and you’re comfortable sharing, I would absolutely love to learn about your response in the comments!


Describe a moment when you felt at your safest and most secure. What specifically made you feel that way?

Close your eyes and reflect on what you felt in your body and mind when you experienced that sensation of safety.


How do you cope with intense emotions or triggering situations as a result of your abuse? Are there healthier alternatives you can explore?


Write a letter of compassion to your past self during a dark moment.

Talk about any shame or self-blame you may feel surrounding what you may have had to do in order to survive. Reflect on reasons you’re ready to release this guilt from your emotional burden.

Forgive yourself and encourage yourself to keep going.


How has your perspective on life and relationships evolved since your trauma?

What qualities do you value in a healthy, supportive relationship? Think about relationships in your life that embody these traits.


What are some boundaries you feel are important to have in a romantic relationship?

Include a lesson about boundaries you’ve learned from past partners.


Many victims of domestic violence experience gaslighting and other forms of manipulation which make it difficult for them to trust their own experiences.

Write about a time when you followed your intuition and it led you to a positive outcome. How can you continue to build your self-trust by tuning into your instincts?


Describe a situation that made you feel proud of your progress in healing.

Take a moment to text your best friend and tell them about it, and ask them to share a moment of progress in their life in return. Celebrate your mutual growth and empowerment!


Reflect on the ways healing and achieving goals are non-linear.

How can you stay motivated during the lows? How can you measure and track your progress in healing over the next two weeks?

Subscribe in one click to receive your FREE digital copy of my new guided journal, “Empower and Heal: 90 Days of Transformational Prompts for Trauma Recovery, Self-Discovery, and Growth”, delivered straight to your inbox!


About the Creator

Veronica Wren

Trauma sucks. Recovery shouldn't. Subscribe here for your FREE exclusive guided journal

❤️‍🩹 ❤️‍🩹

Domestic Abuse & CPTSD Recovery Coach

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