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Richness of the Heart: Beyond Material Possessions

Exploring the Spiritual Wealth Taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

By Arief FakhrizaPublished 4 months ago 2 min read

One of the notable aspects found in the history or teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his clear explanation in a Hadith about our natural inclination towards worldly desires. He emphasizes that every person, without exception, is filled with an inherent fondness for this temporary world. Regardless of what we currently possess, there is always an insatiable longing for more. Even if someone owns a single business, the desire for another one arises; if someone has a solitary store, aspirations for a second one emerge, and so on. This unquenchable thirst represents the innate nature instilled within us by Allah. As a result, we constantly feel inadequate as we continuously compare ourselves to those who have more, perceiving ourselves as lacking in comparison.

The concept is exemplified by The Prophet (peace be upon him) through the use of a rhetorical question directed at Abu Dharr in a Hadith, highlighting its deep meaning. He challenges the traditional understanding of wealth and poverty, asserting that true affluence and impoverishment do not come from material possessions but rather reside within one's heart. Someone can possess great worldly wealth and still feel impoverished, while another person with few possessions may consider themselves to be rich.

This realization becomes especially apparent in times of crisis, like the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Amid widespread panic and economic upheaval, individuals who have a strong faith and a sense of inner wealth remain calm, relying on Allah's guidance. On the other hand, those who lack spiritual richness, even if they possess material abundance, constantly feel deprived and anxious.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasizes the significance of nurturing inner wealth by dedicating oneself to Allah. He communicates Allah's instruction to set aside time for worship amidst our busy lives. Allah assures us that if we heed this call, our hearts will be filled with satisfaction and protected from destitution. On the other hand, neglecting this responsibility leads to spiritual deprivation, causing us to be constantly occupied and dissatisfied.

The profound connection with Allah is the true measure of richness in the heart, as it is demonstrated through frequent and sincere prayers. This connection is further exemplified through acts of charity and kindness, which bring about unparalleled joy. The spiritual fulfillment that arises from such actions surpasses the fleeting pleasure of material wealth. By the grace of Allah, acts like Umrah instill a deep sense of gratitude and richness.

It is crucial to comprehend that worldly achievements do not negate the depth of one's heart. Nevertheless, it is misguided to prioritize material prosperity over spiritual development. The genuine richness lies in finding equilibrium between worldly endeavors and spiritual fulfillment. True wealth is attained through ethical means and unwavering dedication to Allah.

To summarize, wealth and destitution go beyond material belongings and are found within one's inner being. Nurturing the richness of the soul by dedicating oneself to Allah fosters lasting satisfaction and safeguards against spiritual deprivation. The pursuit of worldly achievements should be balanced with a dedication to spiritual development to achieve genuine prosperity. May Allah grant us the abundance of the heart and enlighten our comprehension. Ameen.


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Arief Fakhriza

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  • Test4 months ago

    great read

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