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Five iPhone myths we've ALL fallen for - from putting a water-logged phone in rice to turning off WIFI to save battery (and what to do instead)

Five iPhone myths we've ALL fallen for - from putting a water-logged phone in rice to turning off WIFI to save battery (and what to do instead)

By prashant soniPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Five iPhone myths we've ALL fallen for - from putting a water-logged phone in rice to turning off WIFI to save battery (and what to do instead)
Photo by Amritanshu Sikdar on Unsplash

In spite of what a few sites and tech recordings could say, rice won't dry out your water-logged iPhone, as per Apple.

In spite of legitimate sources asserting it works, the tech organization explicitly exhorts against it - advance notice that little particles of rice could 'harm' your telephone.

All things being equal, the new Apple support report says individuals ought to successfully pause and let it dribble dry in a 'dry region with some wind stream'.

Many individuals likewise close applications 'to moderate telephone battery' - however that also is a legend so predominant it is wholeheartedly believed.

The following are five of the most well-known legends with regards to iPhone hacks:

Placing your wet iPhone in rice will take care of dry it

It's not satisfactory when the fantasy spread encouraging shoppers to place an iPhone in rice assuming it gets wet, however Apple has made obviously this can really cause more damage than great.

Apple cautions against involving rice as a handy solution arrangement since little particles of the rice could get into the iPhone and bring on additional harm.

The present iPhones are more water-safe than their ancestors, however they actually aren't impenetrable to water, which is the reason Apple carried out a fluid recognition alert.

The alarm will advise the client that they can't charge the telephone since fluid was recognized and to hold on until it's dry to attempt once more.

Switching off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth will monitor your battery

A typical misinterpretation is that switching off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi will broaden the battery duration, yet when the highlights are on and not being used, they go through no additional battery duration.

All things being equal, turning on Quite Mode is an improved arrangement since it will debilitate applications that channel your battery, and can be especially helpful while you're voyaging or in regions with terrible gathering.

The component keeps the telephone from ceaselessly looking for signals which will rapidly empty the juice out of your iPhone.

Confidential perusing mode conceals IP address and area

Assuming you've at any point utilized your in secret or confidential program figuring it would conceal your area and IP address from outsiders, we're here to let you know it doesn't work.

Undercover may conceal your perusing history, yet the site you are visiting actually approaches your own data and assuming you acknowledge the utilization of treats, your telephone will in any case store the information, permitting sites to get data about your perusing propensities.

All things considered, Apple proposes buying into its iCloud+ administration, which gives you admittance to the iCloud Private Transfer application.

The application safeguards your IP address and perusing action by encoding the traffic on your gadget and sending it through isolated web transfers.

'This keeps sites from seeing your IP address and area and organization suppliers from gathering your perusing movement. Neither one of the ones knows both what your identity is and what sites you visit,' as per Apple's help site.

Shutting applications can save your iPhone's battery

You can at last abandon the perpetual errand of swiping up to eliminate your iPhone's 'open' applications, since this as well, is clearly false.

Shutting down your applications never really monitors the battery since they aren't truly running, and by shutting them, you're utilizing a greater amount of your iPhone's battery duration than if you'd quite recently let them be.

This is on the grounds that when the application is 'open' it is basically in a frozen state, however assuming that you close it and restart the application when you choose to open it once more, it utilizes more energy than if you just reestablished it from the foundation.

Charging your iPhone short-term can hurt the battery

A typical misinterpretation is that charging your iPhone short-term can hurt the battery by taking in more power than it needs.

Actually present day cell phones consequently distinguish when they're at 100% and take in no more current than is needed to charge it completely.

'All battery-powered batteries are consumables and have a restricted life expectancy — at last their ability and execution decline with the end goal that they should be supplanted,' Apple said on its site.

'As batteries age, it can add to changes in iPhone execution.

So assuming you're battery is diminishing, it doesn't have anything to do with how oftentimes or how long you're charging it.

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