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Ultra Clangour

Breaking Free From The Clutches

By Irvin Published 19 days ago 1 min read
Ultra Clangour
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

My celestial entity has emancipated through its own conscious realm

The devious dispute between it's own tyrant of free will within the depths of a congent power claim, plagues it's ability to see the vision through a buoyant telescope

The verbal connotations with itself like a set of triumphs obliterating existence Raving remorse of oneself with a choice to not bury oneself

The options at hand seem oblivious since no help is serviced at hand It's undoubted urge for survival seems weary for the acknowledgement of its own Life For the truth sets it apart from the rest

but yet blends it in the crowd of lost


Each word uttered pertains to the subject of freedom But each context of thought is evaluated to the literal meaning of death

Why do I seem so lost although this agony has directed me? My compass mind seeks direction of

wisdom from the source of its own scattered mind-map
Underneath the surface of daunting trauma, the blueprint of hallucinated childhood memories
The exchange of my perplexing energy for an unforgiving serenity
Peace at last
For me and my skeletons cannot cease to exist in the same deminesion of
Until we meet again in the afterlife
After my judgement day has reckoned with the forces of their animosity
To cause chaos amongst myself
Only I am able to see their true identity
An increase of awareness emerges between Us
For we acknowledge our presence as an error in the matrix coding.

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About the Creator


Exceptionally artistic when it comes to poetry, my undying passion for it for keeps me writing like always.

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