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To My Mother, On Her Deathbed

A poem

By Raistlin AllenPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
To My Mother, On Her Deathbed
Photo by Ömürden Cengiz on Unsplash

a/n: This is a poem I wrote to my mother while I was quite literally sitting beside her as she lived - and mainly slept- out her last days. Maybe it's not in the traditional sense, but I believe it's the best poem of comfort I've ever written. To me, it evokes both the comfort I hoped to impart to her to let her know it was okay to leave us, and the comfort her memory still brings to me in small, everyday things. I hope that anyone who's ever lost someone important to them can enjoy it, and relate.


To My Mother, On Her Deathbed


everything is okay.


there is an empty house next door

where you can move when you leave.

I hear it’s endlessly big,

but I’ve never been there myself.


tell me about it.


behind where the curtains are parted

there are green fields, a stone wall beyond which


is everything.


there are crinkled leaves carpeting the ground

so soft

you could pull them apart with your



lie there long enough

and you won’t need to lie anywhere else



think of the last lullaby your mother ever

sang you,

the first time you heard crows early in the

morning and felt electric

with life.


the first time you bled.

the first time someone kissed it and made it



think of unnaturally warm rain

coating your face, pattering

at the windows,

the fire-red branches of autumn,

the puddles after the last flood,

the warmth of the right words at exactly the right



think of all this and more and it still

will not encapsulate what

I think of when I think

of you.


when your sleep soothes you down into the

place of that one questionless


all of this will be your name

and I will breathe it

as long as

I can.

love poems

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  • April2 years ago

    This is so so beautiful! You really took my senses into that moment. Thank you for sharing!

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