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These Walls II

In a world/society full of judgement, “cancelling” and gossip, I can’t open up to everyone. I, also, cannot just keep everything held in. I very much disagree with the ‘Lome Wolf’ mentality, it’s not healthy, mentally. I believe humans were made for relationship. With that, there are a “selected few” where there is a mutual trust, acceptance and accountability, to help each other grow. “Iron sharpens iron, and one man (or woman) sharpens another.

By Josh MorganPublished 2 months ago 2 min read
These Walls II
Photo by Florian Weichert on Unsplash

What goes on in these walls-

I have to say, is not always the best of me

These walls, build the difference between what I allow the world to see-

And all the rest of me

Love, lust, vice, and virtue live in these walls

Every side of me and every sight of all pain and joy reside in these walls

The good, the bad, and the ugly- And all that's left of me

It's obviously true that not all will be accepting of me-

But I didn't and still don't expect them to be

I have to say that I hate that I have mental notes-

Consisting of quotes from the ugliest speach

The constant critiquing, the "constructive" critism and questions not for understanding are that that construct these walls

Words I wish wouldn't even reach these walls

Words that paint the mask I wear as I walk through the crowd of the fakest faces

They that make the attempt to teach a truth that they themselves can't take

At the same time I make every attempt to stop the snakes that still try to scale these walls

I can't take it-

Yet still I'm in such haste- Putting my time to waste trying to find a needle in a haystack

Or really, quite the opposite-

Words I write in these walls tell clear-cut stories of scars that are anything but cleanly cut

The toughest of any topic

But I myself am no saint, quite the opposite

My mask is a mirror-

Both inside and out

That mirror spells the word "hypocrite"

On both the inside, and out

Lies told to me breed the lies that come from me

The very same that trace these walls

Every occasion has a mask that erases the very trace of these walls

But within this castle which hides in plain sight-

Inside these walls, reside a selected few who know the truth in each poem

Maybe one or two more than one or two who know me and let me know them

A handful of who I know won't take the truth I told and preach it to the choir

Some inquire just to gossip- Others acquire secrets and rush to find a buyer

Such truth is dangerous if placed in the wrong hands

They that make plans to pile up the pressure for their piers

Spreading words which work to plant trees that branch out but don't bear fruit

I can't afford to turn myself in to them that turn me into more fake news

Told to the wrong ears, to bring about more fake views

Rumors I hate to have found out about-

A spiteful chant recurs in these walls

Boundaries that end up broken, are bound to create a riot in these walls

A fight that gives birth to the fear that kills all quiet nights

Rules repeatedly spoken- What goes on in these walls, stays in these walls

I hate to state when I wasn't right to trust- But that very truth built these walls

The very same that writes my right to stay in these walls

Me and the selected few who received the invite

The same few, to name one or two more than just one or two-

Who've seen the king of hide and seek with his crown and mask off

Both the best and worst of me

All that goes on in these walls

All their worth-

And all that must stay in these walls

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About the Creator

Josh Morgan

I began writing as a means of expressing creativity, relieving stress, and venting emotions. I mention my daily battle with mental health a lot, I hope it is relatable and inspiring to readers, as writing is something I'm passionate about.

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  • Andrea Corwin 2 months ago

    Secrets you can share with only the very best friends that are trustworthy. When you find those who you can show your true self to - that is friendship, with no judgement.

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