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The Island of Avocado Toast

Two Faced America Part 1

By StelaniePublished 3 years ago 1 min read

I’m tired of being called lazy

When I have to work two jobs to get by

This island is filling up quickly though

I have been told to buy a home

Get a real job

Go back to school

When my full supply of coconuts have dried up and the seashells have gone mute

For decent home I have been looking for a real job

But I guess teaching the future does not count

I would get a doctorate but the debt from my masters is choking me

draining me from some sort of happiness because that house I’m denied

because I tried to better myself. The statue of liberty and me are simply

dumb founded because only certain people who were blessed with the 1%

got the book for dummies on how to succeed.

They get the tax credits

They are handed pity and excuses for every shootout and when pulled over by police

They drink the good water while making the rest choke on the oceans salt

Choke on our dreams to the point where $12 an hour is what they offer for a master’s degree.

I was told I had to give a blow job for $18

I could have had a house and a new car, but if I just held my breath and be done with it.

I’m swimming in debt until I can find the shallow end

The end where I can sail away on my boat

Away from evil soaking in the sand

Far from the lazy and people I have been stranded with

Some of us did not choose to be on this island

Some are still reading the old handbook of how to make it, and Ms. Liberty and I are sailing away for a new edition.

sad poetry

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