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"The Device"

Unveiling the Future's Veil"

By ARJ GamingytPublished 9 months ago 1 min read
"The Device"
Photo by Milena Trifonova on Unsplash

In the heart of innovation's realm,

A device, a dream, begins to overwhelm,

With circuits humming and screens aglow,

It holds the power to make the future grow.

In its frame, a universe resides,

A portal to realms where knowledge abides,

It links the world with a touch or voice,

A symphony of choices, the ultimate choice.

A magic wand of modern times,

In its touch, a thousand rhymes,

Unleashing dreams with every swipe,

A tool to traverse both day and night.

It connects us to those far and wide,

Through oceans vast and skies so wide,

No distance too great, no mountain too high,

The device bridges the gap, reaches the sky.

A canvas for creators, a muse for the wise,

With its radiant screen, it mesmerizes,

Painting visions, telling stories untold,

The device is a future yet to unfold.

But with power comes the weight of care,

In our hands, this treasure rare,

To use it wisely, to learn and teach,

The device, in our lives, is within reach.

So, let us harness its potential, bold and bright,

For a future where knowledge takes flight,

"The Device" – a marvel, a beacon, a guide,

In its realm, our dreams and hopes collide.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

ARJ Gamingyt

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  • Bri Craig9 months ago

    I loved the lines "With its radiant screen, it mesmerizes, Painting visions, telling stories untold, The device is a future yet to unfold."!!

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