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Symphony of Chaos


By Clint JonesPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Symphony of Chaos
Photo by Shalone Cason on Unsplash

What confessions can be made by the conceit of youth

Tousled hair, a sideways glance, a photoshoot

Admire the beige lifestyle

All the shades of brown

Fossilized textures, smiling frowns

Open the world to darkness

What do you hear?

Here are transcendent greens

Here are mellow creams

Here faces are bouquets

Here we wear pastel secrets

It's all here

Hear, we are born to rise

Let form conspire with function

Genesis could've been

Jesus leaving his sandals in the sand

Idols and saints in quiet defiance

The future of a leading man

A shadowed look and two strong black hands

Jazz in a red lit lounge *Warning*

Can cause art disease

A Noname nubian goddess in an urban Eden

Mixing hues of yellow and blue

Into the verdant greens of spring sunrise

Officer, officer, officer

Don't shoot, won't shoot

A well dressed man

Provided he's Caucasian with a good tan

Keep rollin'

All that matters

Are the lessons of on-going destruction

All our legacies in one collection

No asylum, still a great gift

Nail yourself to a cross

Can you still believe?

It's all a great grift

Mad respect to the rebels out looking for a cause

Who still manage to keep their fingernails clean

Don't let pretense prevent you from chasing the dream

A man sitting in a worn out chair

His body a tangle of cables

Staring through a wood paneled window to the funkadelic soul

Asking for wisdom he'll answer

"Turn up the rock-n-roll!"

Make ten bold claims

Watch them go up in vapor

Satisfaction is the lit end of a tight rolled paper

With empty hands rebirth is possible

Create nothing and we are devils

Our poetry is in the streets

The violet hues of midnight revels

Can you be close to danger?

Feel the love of strangers?

Can you feel the love?

Demagogues in technicolor

Can you believe the revelations?

Ultra-premium craftsmanship

limited editions and traditions rich

Simply perfect, the Tao of Clint

Is not just a philosophy of life

Be not afraid

It's a helluva thing to kill a man

Family is the most important thing

A cosmic prank

Super synth wonders

Be unpredictable in a human sense

Sunder expectations with new fictions

The Good Life is a hash pipe

on an island in the sun

coming undone

Oscillate perceptions

There are thrills to how life unfolds

Find your balance

A good time, a calm mind, stare into the void

Important safety information!

Before taking medication reduce risks

Take them with others

An important fact: Information is not enough

Dialogue with others

Be reborn a star

Debut a second act

The latest phenomenon

Is always distressed

Let's go places

Lost in clouds of dust

Find mortality in a room made of rust

Make this simple

In shades of skies blue

Hides a sinister truth

A man with many faces hopes he never dies

Morphing and changing he tries and tries

Death is a retail space

Get a little extra time with your shadow

In a dimly lit place

Try not to get stoned

Don't apologize if you do

Break the bank

Be a gold plated version of yourself

Make your music on turntables and lightening bolts

Deep dive and rediscover--recover

Your scene with all the accessories

Bring the noise

Dance loudly

Gyrate and chant

Feel others' bodies

Lose yourself

I think it's best if you all know that

100% American means check your facts

Heads in the clouds

Smokestacks of death

Red skies don't mean freedom

They mean death

92 of 100 who are the other 8?

People happy to die in the dark

To savor their hate

A power hungry inside man

The damage is already done

The influence machines

Seek bigger muscle, stronger hearts

Things will get worse

We're not safe until they don't

The elite charade is authoritarianism

Going for broke

A neurotic idol confesses

His fame is well worn

The recently cursed are caged

Animals doing the rounds for no pay

Get lost in L.A.

Fall in love with weed and coffee bar cafes

Feel the need to be seen

Let yourself be gay

Wake up tomorrow and no one will care

Show someone the ropes while you play

Exist slowly in the cool tones of an afterthought

Get low and punk rock

Delight in your naughty self--alone or with someone else

Savage your dreams

Thresh them of flesh

Grind their skeletons into life or death

What's the point of royalty anyway?

Jesus cut his teeth on the pub scene

Learned to pick a guitar with thorns he pulled from his hair

Staying up late, getting drunk, never splitting cab fare

Without love everything is just outtakes

Twenty years of struggle to gamble everything

What is the look of a leading man

Looking in the mirror?

Depends on the stage

Moonlight truths can reveal empowered place

Clamp down and regulate yourself

The dot-matrix version needs to be deleted

The oldest narratives are being repeated

Misuse emergencies

Suspend civility

Concentrate and empower

Banned voices must speak and be heard

Put money on trial

Laugh at its denial

Guillotine Zuck

"Trust us" isn't good enough

Rebel, rebel, let's dance, heroes

Welcome to the Thunderdome

Envision the future

Visions in blue

Resurrect the dead

The big idea is cause and effect

Interactive overwhelming next level tech

A virtual cloud bank

Live in the future

Be an entrepreneur

Grow up and get ready for a close-up

Facial recognition

Retro styles

Cognize pre-fab smiles

Red, pink, green, and blue

Again, blue

Do you--Do. You.

Take a moment to review

Emerge from angst

Embrace the pain of growing

Experiment with gloomy extremes

Shiny and oh so bright

Knowing a legacy is third eye sight

Downside, same side, my side

Let the blood run

Turn the tide

Tales of love, death, Percocet

What's your top ten if the ten best haven't happened yet?

Forget ten aim for one

Person, moment, love, idea

Live like never before

You're spending too much time at home

Make a new kind of history

Birth a star under the sign of the panther

There's always winners and losers

Know which you are

Know you are both

Sorry things are this open

It's a memory like a dream

A dream your remember

Deja vu tomorrow it could be you

Visiting with a specter

Don't fear death

Be confident in its presence

Character isn't made by machine

Know what I mean?


I hope you enjoyed reading the poem. Tips are appreciated as they allow me to procure more source material for future works. Thank you for your support.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Clint Jones

I am a philosopher slowly transitioning into a writer. I write mostly essays, non-fiction, and poetry but I am now adding fiction to my repertoire with asperations of penning a novel. Thanks for reading my work. Tips are appreciated.

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