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Starving For Attention

Poor People Do Not Dream

By Wayne IncePublished 2 months ago 2 min read
Hungry boy on park bench | image created with AI art software

In the concrete jungle, where dreams are born

Lies a world of struggle, shoes well worn

For those living in poverty, it's a daily fight

To find a way out, grinding just to see some light

The streets are crowded with folks in need

Hunger and pain, their constant feed

Their homes are shelters, made of cardboard and tin

No warmth or comfort, just the city's dark din

Children roam the alleys, with no park to play

Starving as we look, so how is this okay

Their shoes and all of their clothes are torn

But still they smile, in the face of obscene scorn

People call them wild ones - even city savages

They smell stench but don't know how hard it gets

Hustling everyday as sure as time is kept

Wealthy living good on yachts and their jets

Rich people with rich kids and their finer things

Poor people and poor children they never sing

How can you feel good just swallowing air

Monsters on Wall Street being poor is a nightmare

Families huddled in one tiny room

Trying to survive in this urban gloom

The cost of living keeps rising high

But for them, it's a battle just to not die

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer

In this crazy cycle, there seems to be no cure

But amid the chaos, there's still hope

For a brighter future, to help them cope

The human spirit, resilient and strong

Find ways to survive, even when things go wrong

Communities together need to lend a hand

In the face of more poverty, we must make a stand

Belly aches from the Deep South to Gaza

Prayers sent up above to our Dear Father

May the Lord have mercy upon us all

Death hollers and no one answers the call

So let's not forget our poor fellow human beings

Whose struggles and hardships, we just aren't seeing

Let's open our hearts, and offer a helping hand

To lift our brothers and sisters up across this land.

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About the Creator

Wayne Ince

A military veteran that loves to read and write stories and poetry about mental health, love, and horror, and diversity topics. Boring on the surface, but I hope you enjoy my work and discover something more underneath the surface.

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  • Allwyn Roman Waghela2 months ago

    This is so real and heart-touching

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