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Snowy Mishaps & Kitten Capers


By StaringalePublished 28 days ago 2 min read
Snowy Mishaps & Kitten Capers
Photo by Kote Puerto on Unsplash

Snow turns into ice,

Cat adds chaos to delight,

Shaved ice dessert, a fight.

Today is a fresh new day filled with glittery white snow. Just seeing the snow white view of landscapes I am hit with an interesting idea - 'Why not make a shaved ice dessert from this snow.'

So, I began the task of turning snow into a mouthwatering cold dessert. Grabbing a saucepan, I opened the kitchen window and placed it outside to catch the falling snow. It was time-consuming, but I was finally able to fill the saucepan about 3/4 full.

Closing the window to keep the chill outside, I placed the necessary ingredients and syrups on the countertop. Shifting the ice to a bowl, I added the syrups and fruit chunks. The delish creation now laid in front of me, begging to be tasted.

Cleaning up the mess, I took the bowl and sat down to eat. The first bite jolted my taste buds awake, and I continued to savor it.

I was about halfway through when it happened - a blur came, and the bowl was knocked from my hands. Rolling, it cracked into pieces, sending the snow flying in every direction.

Angry, my eyes went around in search of the culprit. I found the culprit to be a white kitten with a blue collar now sporting a multicolored snow beard. The kitten was pawing at the multicolored beard in delight. It sure was a curious little thing.

Hearing my footsteps, it looked at me with such innocent eyes that I couldn't bear to scold it. Huffing and puffing, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. I began cleaning up, ignoring the culprit.

As I was picking up the shards, I heard the culprit jump down, slowly pushing the pieces toward me. Looking up, I saw the culprit gathering the pieces and pushing them towards me, showing signs of guilt. But I continued cleaning the mess.

Throwing away the mess in the bin outside, I sat down on the couch, watching the culprit slowly approach me, rubbing its tiny head against my leg. I couldn't ignore such a cutie and pulled her onto my lap, reading the collar - it was a neighborhood pet. Rubbing its head, I watched it give a stretch before nodding off.

Taking out my phone, I dialed the number on the collar and relayed the whereabouts of the mischievous kitten now sleeping on my lap.

From then on, I decided to keep a close eye on an open window when cooking. Maybe I should treat myself to a professional ice dessert maker. What do you think - do I deserve it?

nature poetryMental HealthhumorHaiku

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  • Shirley Belk22 days ago

    Whether you deserve it or not, enjoy your ice cream!

  • Awww, she was trying to help you clean up because she was gulity. Lol

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