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Silent Love

A Father's Love, Unspoken

By Zohaib SunesaraPublished about a year ago 3 min read
 Silent Love
Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash

This poem is about a father who may struggle to express his love for his children in words, but whose love for them is still deep and strong. It is a love that is evident in his actions and the little things he does for his children. The poem suggests that even though he may not say "I love you" often, his love for his children is clear to see and is never in doubt. It is a love that will last forever and will always be there for his children, no matter what. The poem may be titled "A Father's Love, Unspoken" to reflect the idea that this love is not always spoken out loud, but is still present and powerful.

A father's love runs deep and true

But for some, it's hard to show

He may not say the words out loud

But his love for his children grows

He works hard to provide and protect

His love for them, a silent vow

He may not say "I love you" often

But his actions speak louder than a vow

So to the father who struggles to express

His love for his children, through and through

Know that they feel it, every day

Their love for you, as strong as your love for them, too

You may not say the words out loud

But your love for them, it shines so bright

It fills their hearts, it guides their way

It's a love that will always hold tight

The father may not be one for words

But his love for his children, it never fades

It's a love that's strong and true

A love that never can be swayed

He may not say "I love you" often

But his love for them is always there

In the way he works so hard to provide

In the way he shows he cares

So to the father who may struggle to express

His love for his children, it's clear to see

They know it, they feel it, every single day

It's a love that will last, eternally

So to the father who may not say the words

But whose love for his children shines bright

Know that they love you, too, with all their hearts

A love that will always hold tight

The father may not be one for grand gestures

He may not say "I love you" every day

But his love for his children, it's always present

In the little things he does, in his own special way

He may not shower them with gifts or praise

But his love for them is never in doubt

It's in the way he always has their back

It's in the way he helps them sort things out

So to the father who may struggle with expression

His love for his children, it's clear to see

It's in the way he holds them close and tight

It's in the way he sets them free

So to the father who may not say the words

But whose love for his children knows no bounds

Know that they love you, too, with all their hearts

A love that will always surround

The father may not be one for flowery language

He may not say "I love you" every day

But his love for his children, it's always there

In the little things he does, in his own special way

He may not be one for grand declarations

But his love for his children, it's never in doubt

It's in the way he always has their back

It's in the way he helps them figure things out

So to the father who may struggle with expression

His love for his children, it's clear to see

It's in the way he always puts them first

It's in the way he lets them be

So to the father who may not say the words

But whose love for his children knows no bounds

Know that they love you, too, with all their hearts

A love that will always astound

For a father's love is fierce and true

It's a love that will never fade

It's a love that will always be there

For the children he's so proudly made


love poems

About the Creator

Zohaib Sunesara

I dive into the depths of parenting with compassion, humor, and practical advice. With a passion for nurturing both children and parents, join me on our journey through the joys and challenges of parenthood.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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