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Rising From the Ashes

Defying Depression

By Zohaib SunesaraPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 2 min read
Rising From the Ashes
Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Depression is a dark, bottomless pit

A place I never thought I'd visit

But somehow I fell in, unable to quit

Trapped in its depths, I feel like I'm dying

It's like a heavy weight that I can't shake

Dragging me down, no matter how hard I try

I try to escape, but it's like I'm in a cage

With no way out, no matter how I plead or cry

It's a constant battle, a war within my mind

I try to fight it, but it's a losing game

Some days I'm strong, but others I'm weak and blind

It's a never-ending cycle, an endless pain

But I won't give up, I won't let it win

I'll keep fighting, even when it feels like I'm done

I'll find the light, I'll climb out of this pit

I won't let depression consume me, I'll overcome.

I know I'm not alone in this fight

There are others out there, struggling just like me

We may feel lost and alone at night

But we are warriors, we are strong and free

We may have scars, we may have wounds

But they are badges of our survival

We may have fallen, but we will rise anew

We will find joy and hope, and we'll thrive

So let's hold on, let's keep holding on

Even when it feels like the darkness won't end

Let's find each other, and be each other's dawn

We'll lift each other up, and be each other's friend

We are not our depression, it does not define us

We are so much more than what it wants us to be

We are strong and beautiful, and full of promise

We are survivors, we are meant to be free.

And when the darkness closes in again

And the weight of it feels like too much to bear

We'll remember that we've been here before

And we'll find the strength to keep going, to keep fighting on

We'll remind ourselves of all the times we've won

Of all the battles we've survived

We'll hold on to hope, we'll hold on to love

We'll find the courage to keep on living and thriving

We are not alone, we are not broken

We are simply human, we have our struggles and our pain

But we are also so much more than that

We are warriors, we are warriors of the heart and soul

So let's hold on, let's keep holding on

Let's find each other, let's support and lift each other up

We are not our depression, we are so much more than that

We are survivors, we are fighters, we are unstoppable.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Zohaib Sunesara

Author @ Cuddle Pixie I dive into the depths of parenting with compassion, humor, and practical advice. With a passion for nurturing both children and parents, join me on our journey.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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