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Peanut Butter Syrup Toast

A simple treat

By Pamela Walsh-HoltePublished 3 months ago Updated 2 months ago 1 min read

As the heat slowly drifts from the toaster t0 warm my cheeks, I anticipate my treat, and I can hardly wait,

Nestled in the chrysalises of the toaster, my white bread becomes a golden brown. The pop of the toaster is my favorite sound as Grandma lifts it from the toaster onto my plate.

Warm and ready Grandma spreads butter on it's face, as I watch it melt Grandma places a heaping spoon of peanut butter in a bowl and points to the pancake syrup on the shelf.

She's going to let me squeeze it all by myself!

Unable to stand still, I dance about, I squeeze as much syrup as I can possibly get out!

Grandma mixes as fast as she can, scraping the sides of the bowl with the whisk in her hand.

In no time at all, it's all blended so well, I swear I shall faint from the sweet, sweet, smell.

Now smooth and shiny, and ready to spread, she does this so quickly, on my warm toasted bread.

My tummy can't wait a minute longer, it grumbles aloud as if I shall pass from hunger!

In one hand she holds my favorite treat, in the other a glass of milk and my snacks completet "Now try not to make a mess," She says with a smile. .

I run my finger across the face of my toasted bread, as the thought of tasting it fills my head. Then quickly, without a second thought, in to my mouth, my finger does plop.

Oh goodness, I say, as I take a big bite. The syrupy mixture drips down my fingers, to the palm of my hand, so I use my tongue to get all that I can.

Grandma lets out a heartwarming chuckle, as she places bread in the toaster for the others. Now many may seem this a simple treat. Oh, but it's special you see, when you have six sisters and brothers like me.

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About the Creator

Pamela Walsh-Holte

Retired social worker seaking to find my name among the "Chreators we are Loving", but alas it has not been so. Be still my heart, do not despair, your day may come...Until then I wait, anticipating some, be it ever so slight, recognition.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Esala Gunathilake8 days ago

    Wow this a well said piece. Liked your peanut butter syrup toast!

  • Jay Kantorabout a month ago

    Hi-Pw ~ I'm so glad that I've just discovered your gorgeous presentations after your kind comment re; "Marital~Bliss" *As I scroll through them I've subscribed with pleasure. I'm a Twin and my Brother is the Alpha (12 minutes older). I write about him a lot - "Twins" - he's my favorite topic. I Wonder about the pecking-order with your large sibling group, too. We'd fight over 'Cinnamon Toast' laden with sugar. Dad said, "Grab it or it's Gone." Thanks for the memory...! As you are, I'm a retired legal professional and wonder how difficult it would be as a 'Social Worker' in today's new world. j.in.l.a. Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, California 'Senior' Vocal Author - Vocal Village Community -

  • ROCK 2 months ago

    This reminds me of my Grandmother who let me have tablespoons of Caro syrup; in those memories I realise that we could not afford Maple syrup or even pancake syrups. A yummy memory you've shared. I hope you entered the Snack challenge!

  • Oooo, peanut butter with pancake syrup! I gotta try that. Loved your poem!

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