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Peace in Motion

Water's Peaceful Power

By Zohaib SunesaraPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Peace in Motion
Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

The poem is a set of four haiku, each describing different aspects of water. The first haiku, "Water flows free and wild / Nature's symphony to hear / Peaceful, yet powerful" describes the movement and sound of water as it flows freely in nature, creating a symphony that can be heard. It also highlights the peaceful yet powerful nature of water.

The second haiku, "In the still of night / Water's gentle ripple heard / Nature's lullaby" describes the peaceful and soothing sound of water at night, likened to a lullaby that nature sings.

The third haiku, "Waterfall cascades down / Nature's wonder to behold / Peace in motion found" describes the beauty and power of a waterfall, a natural wonder that can be seen and admired, and the peace that can be found in the movement of the water.

The fourth haiku, "Ocean's vast expanse / Endless horizon to see / Water's mystery deep" describes the vastness of the ocean and the endless horizon that it presents, while also hinting at the mystery and depth of the ocean, metaphorically and literally.

Each haiku captures the peaceful, powerful, and mysterious nature of water, and how it interacts with nature.

Water flows free and wild

Nature's symphony to hear

Peaceful, yet powerful


In the still of night

Water's gentle ripple heard

Nature's lullaby


Waterfall cascades down

Nature's wonder to behold

Peace in motion found


Ocean's vast expanse

Endless horizon to see

Water's mystery deep

nature poetry

About the Creator

Zohaib Sunesara

Author @ Cuddle Pixie I dive into the depths of parenting with compassion, humor, and practical advice. With a passion for nurturing both children and parents, join me on our journey.

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