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On The Nature Of A Storm

And if you're caught in the storm, where will you go?

By Silver Serpent BooksPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
On The Nature Of A Storm
Photo by Anandu Vinod on Unsplash

I swing from the rooftops

Grasping the umbilical cord of the storm,

Leaping from bolt to bolt and narrowly

Outrunning the rumbling disapproval

Following close on my heels.


White-hot against the palm of my hands,

Magic crackles through my veins

Leaving long scars in their wake

As the electric current of life marks me

A survivor, a fighter, a dreamer.


Something that cannot be vanquished.


I skirt between the raindrops and dip below the waves.

Laughing with the growling sky, I dive

Into the thick canopy of a dark sea

To be spat out above the pale blue sky

Amidst an ocean of black, speckled only with blips of awe

And hardened imagination.


The pretty things, the docile babes of Mother Earth

Cannot hope to touch me here

In the place of turbulent storms and unending,

Unyielding vastness that could swallow me whole

With nary a notice, a thought.


A grain of sand tucked up against a shoelace.


Invisible and unseen, darkness coils around my throat

Delicately covering the lightning bolt memories

Standing proud across my vulnerabilities.

The pressure suffocates the living, breathing, comfort

From my lungs in puffs of terror for nothing is guaranteed.


Not the soil once beneath my feet

Nor the vast expanse of blue rolling above my head.

The sun is a glass of souring milk and I’m too eager,

Pouring myself a drink before looking at the expiration.

Dust has gathered in our bones and won the war

On our oldest ancestors.


This darkness, it watches.


It recoils, removes its limbs from around my neck

And I am left with the quiet moving air between us:

The unvanquishable girl who danced in storm clouds

And the beast that conquers all.

Mirror images of the same side of the same coin.


Stillness holds us there while titanic awe keeps our breath quick,

Shallow as though we've both forgotten the core of our existence

In the face of one another.

Even universes end and the one gently spawned from the bright seeds

And black dirt spewing from our lungs has come to die.


The face of the storm cracks,

Far-off sirens fade with a final sigh.

I landed in the lap of the darkness

Only to return to a light that somehow seemed dim,

The end of a storm that suddenly felt like the end of something more.


Thank you all for reading! I appreciate the patience of getting back into the swing of posting, don't forget to check out my Instagram @silver.serpent.books and my ko-fi by the same name as here. Special stuff there!

nature poetry

About the Creator

Silver Serpent Books

Writer. Interested in all the rocks people have forgotten to turn over. There are whole worlds under there, you know. Dark ones too, even better.

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