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Noon Love

An Afternoon's Promise

By Aranna Hasan Delwar Published 2 months ago 2 min read

Noon Love

_____By Aranna Hasan Delwar.

In the heart of noon, when the world stands still,

And golden rays cascade across the land,

Your voice is a gentle breeze on my hill,

Your touch, the warmth that glows upon my hand.

The sun, high in the sky, casts its embrace,

Drawing the shadows short, but wide our eyes,

We stand together in this sacred space,

Where time is paused, where moments crystallize.

The day is young, yet full of history,

Each step we take etched into the earth,

We weave a tapestry, our mystery,

A story filled with laughter, joy, and mirth.

The heat of noon is in our beating hearts,

A fire that ignites with every glance,

We draw each other near, and as it starts,

Our souls unite in this eternal dance.

The fields of green, the birds upon the wing,

All life around us hums in harmony,

We close our eyes and hear the voices sing,

A symphony of love, wild and free.

With every step, the shadows start to grow,

But we are not afraid of what they hide,

For in this love, our spirits ebb and flow,

And face the world together, side by side.

The noon is full, the peak of day's ascent,

A time when all the world seems clear and bright,

We find the moments we are meant to spend,

And cherish every second in this light.

The warmth of noon is like a gentle kiss,

A promise that the day will never end,

We walk through fields, a place of perfect bliss,

A place where hearts will always find a friend.

So as the noon drifts slowly into day,

And shadows lengthen with the passing sun,

We hold each other close and gently say,

"Our love is endless, though the day is done."

For even as the evening starts to fall,

And twilight ushers in the soft moonlight,

We know our love, though gentle, still stands tall,

A beacon in the dark that shines so bright.

In the heart of noon, we found our place,

A timeless moment etched into our souls,

Where every breath, each smile upon your face,

Becomes the rhythm that my heart extols.

The day may end, but love will never cease,

For in the heart of noon, we found our peace.

love poems

About the Creator

Aranna Hasan Delwar


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  • Ameer Bibi2 months ago

    Sure! Here it is: ☀️ This story is so lovely! It talks about love during the daytime. It describes how the sun shines bright, and the love between two people feels warm and comforting. They enjoy being together, feeling like time stops just for them. Even as the day turns into evening, their love remains strong. It's a sweet reminder that love is always there, no matter the time of day. 💖

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