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Next Time Your Heart Breaks

A poem encouraging you to allow life's thunderstorms in the same way nature does, with the simple knowing that after every storm is a dazzling blue sky just waiting to be seen.

By Rebekah CrawleyPublished about a year ago 1 min read

"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Next time your heart breaks, scream.

Let the pain wreak havoc in your veins. Climb a mountain in the pouring rain. Leave your shoes off. Embrace the pain. Let the rocks claw your soft skin, bleed on the earth. Feel it all.

Beat your chest. Beg the gods of all the heavens to scoop you up in their giant hands, and take you home, and feed you milk through a tiny straw.

Plead with them to nurse you back to health. Let waves of salt spill from your eyes onto the earth. Don't return home until the pain has ravaged your body and mind. Feel it all.

You are nature, you are the thunderstorm. How can you hope to pass if you don't cascade into the mud?

If the skies didn't pour they would stay heavy. They would retain their dark hue. Holding each agonising droplet within them. They would heave, ache, and swell.

Remember, next time your heart breaks. You are the thunderstorm.

Break, scream, crash, pour, destroy everything in your path.

Then, when it's all over, let rays of sunshine pierce your skin and warm your broken body. Like the sky, let the sun shine through your cracks, and let peace return back to your soul.

Until the thunderclouds pass, and you blaze bright blue again.

I hope you enjoyed this atmospheric piece about nature and heartbreak. If you would like to stay up to date with any new poems or articles I post, feel free to follow me on Twitter @CrawleyRebekah. Your support means the absolute world, love Rebekah x

surreal poetrynature poetryheartbreak

About the Creator

Rebekah Crawley

I talk about healing, mental health advocacy, personal development, the human mind, philosophy, spirituality, and more.

Thank you for being here 🤍

📬 Twitter: @rebekahhhc224

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Comments (8)

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  • C.R. Hughes11 months ago

    This is painfully encouraging. It can be hard to embrace heartbreak, but usually it is necessary to help us grow. You comparing heartbreak to something as natural as a thunderstorm is incredibly clever. "If the skies didn't pour, they would stay heavy" ❤️ Such a great line. Thank you for sharing.

  • Real Poetic12 months ago

    Lovely poem. This was sooo well done and emotional! I will remember this poem the next time my heart breaks. ❤️

  • This was a beautiful analogy. I am the thunderstorm. Very inspirational and liberating! I truly loved this so much!

  • Novel Allen12 months ago

    I absolutely love this freeing poem. Heartbreak is a crippling thing, it takes a physical piece of your soul. If we could only learn to understand that 'if the sky didn't pour it would stay heavy'.. I am making a note of this lovely poem. I feel cleansed.

  • Test12 months ago

    Wowwwww! This is such a stunning, compelling, and evocative poem, Rebekah. Beautiful in its rawness and powerful in its message. I am going to read it like a mantra! Thank you!

  • Naomi Gold12 months ago

    “Remember, next time your heart breaks. You are the thunderstorm.” I WILL remember! I’ll be thinking about this poem for a long time. I love the sentiment here, and live by it— if we don’t allow ourselves to feel it all, we just become numb. We have to be the storm to be the rainbow afterwards, the full spectrum of feelings. This was so eloquently expressed! I’m glad Paul recommended it.

  • Paul Stewart12 months ago

    Well done. Such a powerful bit of inspiring poetry. You're right, we should always let our body and mind feel and experience even the worst emotions...it helps us process them properly and gives us the best chance to forge ahead! Love this Rebekah!

  • Kelli Sheckler-Amsdenabout a year ago

    What lovely thoughts

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