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Mother Earth

A poem that celebrates the beauty of our 🌎

By Allwyn Roman WaghelaPublished 3 months ago β€’ 1 min read
Mother Earth
Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash

Beneath the vast expanse of the azure sky,

Rolling hills and valleys where dreams can fly.

Rivers winding through the lands with grace,

Mirroring the sun's warm, golden embrace.

Oh, Earth, you're our home, so wild and free,

In your oceans and forests, we find our glee.

From mountain peaks to the deep sea floor,

Your beauty leaves us yearning for more.

Canopies of green, where life whispers tales,

In the dance of leaves, the wind never fails.

Deserts painted with the night's cool hue,

Under a canvas of stars, life feels anew.

In the silence of the snow, a promise kept,

Through the seasons' change, where time has slept.

In every sunrise, hope's radiant birth,

A daily reminder of our dear Earth's worth.

Oh, Earth, with your skies so vast and blue,

Every dawn's light, a breathtaking view.

We celebrate you, our cradle of birth,

Our precious, life-giving, beautiful Earth.

So here's to you, our planet, our friend,

On your love and wonders, we can depend.

May we cherish you, keep you in our care,

For the beauty of Earth is beyond compare.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Allwyn Roman Waghela

I am a professional blogger, writing about topics such as travel, food, and lifestyle thus, showcasing my creativity and communication skills.





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Comments (1)

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  • Mark Graham3 months ago

    How true and your words are perfect. We all need to our part even if it is only picking up litter on the side of the road.

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