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Love Smells Like…

a poem

By Leigh HooperPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
Love Smells Like…
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

I used to think love smelled like home-made cookies and my mother’s shampoo.

It used to smell like motor oil and my dad’s hugs after his bike rides…until that all changed.

Now, love smells like chlorine.

It’s silly, I know, but it’s true.

Love smells like lemon popsicles and sun cream on a summer’s day.

It smells like a house full of coconut and coffee, and a car with a bubblegum air refresher.

Love smells like him, but his scent has been tarnished by another girl’s perfume. I can’t say anything because this love is not mine.

It smells like the back seat, and the cinema and the pool and the arcade.

It smells like every single place I have fell in love with you.

But to you, love will smell like her and it will never smell like me.

Love smells like fear.

Because it’s intoxicating and addictive all in one.

But I’d rather live with it than without it, because I love the smell…even if you don’t.


This poem was featured in a fic on my tumblr page (@grantspectortrash) so all work there, and featured here, is mine.

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If you want to get to know the author behind the article then follow me @leighooper on Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks for reading, I hope to see you soon!

love poems

About the Creator

Leigh Hooper

A writer in her twenties with a head full of ideas and a room full of books✨

My Instagram handle is: @leighooper

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