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Love at first sight

Memories are building, I can't wait to be with you. Don't hold anything back from the one you love.

By MICHELLE SMITHPublished about a month ago 1 min read
Take my hand and never let go, dance with me in the sunlight from above!

You make my head spin with thoughts of you

Butterflies reoccurring, dancing to a romantic tune

I smile even when I'm not talking with you

Your a dream come true

An answered prayer from God

I can't thank you enough for being the one

You walked into my life when I felt like I had no one

This feeling is crazy, this shouldn't exist

How can you love someone you never even met?

No regrets I'm telling you now

I hope to see a future some how

Those butterflies are forming with every thought I have of you

Thoughts of just missing you, thought of feeling your touch just makes me melt inside

I can't shake these feelings, like an earthquake building

I really want to be with you

Praying this is the end and beginning of life with you

At the end of it all three words sum it all, "I love you"

The way you make me smile even when you upset me sends chills down my spine

Your an answered prayer from above, I don't think I even deserve the man you become

Thoughts of you fill my mind, waiting for the day I can say in person, "You are mine"

When text messages become our reality, baby I just can't wait till your in front of me

Memories are forming, my love for you is growing

Darling I don't know if this is true love but I guess the journey has begun

Sometimes when we meet someone we tend to fall hard. We fall quickly and it can be hard to know if we are just falling for the attractions or the their words. When actions become those words though and it isn't just about the physical then you know there is something wonderful forming. Love at first sight seems unreal, but I'm sure there are people out there who experienced it and never looked back. Don't let yourself stop you from finding that love. You are capable of falling in love.

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Be the inspiration you want others to see. I just want to inspire others through poetry. We all need a bit of positivity and to know that there are others going through similar situations.

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