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Lost in a Found Area

Axioms and Questions

By Freddy TPublished 2 months ago 2 min read
Lost in a Found Area
Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

Lost in A Found Area

*Axioms and Treasures for the lost*

Those who do not fit in are the prodigies of the true land.

Scars heal only after the lesson is learned.

Stay alert for the enemy is always watching, unless you turn the enemy into a friend, and even then be weary.

Those who do not understand will probably never understand.

Staying in one place outside, surprisingly, does not draw a lot of attention. (Be careful though, familiarity breeds contempt)

Nerds rule the entire world, be nice to them, for they may be your boss one day. The world really does value organized minds.

Follow the man that is greater than you, and you shall become great. (There are patterns within greatness and countless books on it).

Cinema is a depiction of real life, those who follow it will learn from it. Learn and view carefully and shake the influence of the media, in whatever form

Being lost in a found place makes you a stranger, and strangers are always superior.

By Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Questions from the Nether

All things have questions, these are mine?

Why do people think?

Why is love spelled l-o-v-e?

What really matters? (to you)

Do you actually die, or do you think you do?

Have you ever met someone who embodies the characteristics of one who has passed?

Why is money green?

Why can't you do what you want?

Why can you add two imaginary numbers and get an actual answer?

Why can't you understand everything?

What is color made of?

Explain to me how children starve, but others live in abundance?

Why do atoms move?

Some say the more you know, the dumber you become…is that true?

Why are you looking at my blog post right now?

By Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The future awaits

What is your fate, or is fate even real?

Who are you in 3 words.

Name your favorite person.

What food can you live off of forever?

How rooted in reality are you?

Is living safe the best way to live?

What's next in your life?

Who is it that shows the real you?

By Fabio Comparelli on Unsplash

Lifes end is lifes journey. All of what brought you here is the accumulation of lessons, experiences, trials and smiles. Let everyday be the day you transcend what it means to be human and to be a part of this world. Keep the questions in your heart and the answers in your head. Let nothing stop you from doing what it is you feel that you should truly be doing. I do hope that the reader because lost in a found place!

artGratitudeFree Verse

About the Creator

Freddy T

Make everyday a day you enjoy. I provide life learning in a variety of ways. Lets co-create together. Read and Believe!

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 months ago

    Oh wow, all of these were so deep and thought provoking!

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