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Lobster Dish

Whispers Of The Deep

By zulfi buxPublished about a month ago 1 min read

In a dusk world where seas moan,

Where stars dance over the ocean's delicate cry,

There lies a story of a lobster's situation,

An animal of magnificence in the moon's delicate light.

With hooks of gold and eyes of pearl,

It meandered the profundities, a glorious spin.

Through coral nurseries and sandy fields,

It meandered peacefully, liberated from chains.

However destiny, horrible destiny, had an alternate arrangement,

For the lobster's excursion, a contort started.

Trapped in a net, its opportunity grabbed away,

Headed for a table where people influence.

In any case, in the core of the angler's net,

Lay a hint of something to look forward to, an opportunity to neglect.

For according to a youngster, unadulterated and brilliant,

The lobster tracked down comfort, a reference point of light.

For the youngster saw not a dinner to be had,

Yet, a marvel of nature, a companion to be happy.

Together they murmured mysteries untold,

Of seas tremendous and secrets strong.

So let us consider this story of the ocean,

Of a lobster's excursion, both wild and free.

For in each animal, a story lies,

An update that excellence won't ever kick the bucket.


About the Creator

zulfi bux

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