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Loaves of Glory

Skating, Snacks, and Childhood Delights

By Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17Published 2 months ago 1 min read
Loaves of Glory
Photo by Helen Ast on Unsplash

In a land where baguettes roam free,

A favorite snack for the athlete in me.

Childhood memories come rushing back,

Of crunchy delicate crust and fluffy soft sack.

In a world of triple axels and pirouettes galore,

A little skater emerged, baguette snacks to adore.

At the age of three, with eyes glued to the ice,

She knew she wanted more, a taste that was nice.

With a leap and a twirl, she entered the skating scene,

Dreaming of gold medals, her passion so keen.

But in between spins and jumps, there was a snack she adored,

A hot fresh baked baguette, oh how she was floored.

While others ate PB&J, she craved something grand,

A fresh loaf of bread, in her small hands.

From the bakery nearby, she'd grab a loaf for a buck,

Fuel for her body, a skater's good luck.

With a baguette in hand, she'd glide on the ice,

Carb-loading like a champ, feeling oh so nice.

No sandwich could compare to her French delight,

Fueling her dreams, her future shining bright.

So here's to the skater, with baguettes in tow,

Fueling her passion, with each graceful flow.

In a world of ice and grace, she found her snack bliss,

A champion in the making, with carbs she couldn't miss.

Carb loading before it was a known thing,

Fueling up on French goodness, oh, the joy it would bring.

Those were the days, my friends, filled with delight,

Loaves of glory, skating, snacks, and childhood delights.

childrens poetry

About the Creator

Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17

Multidimensional Creative-preneur

Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Artist, Writer. Formerly in restaurant business for 3 decades. Soul expression is my ❤️ language. Spirituality,music, art, food and creativity fuel my life. IG @jenergy17

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  • L.C. Schäfer2 months ago

    Is it bad I sang the title like Bon Jovi?

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