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Infinate Devotion

Unwavering Commitment Beyond Measure

By Lucinde WestPublished 14 days ago 1 min read

In her heart, a love so deep it soars,

A symphony of passion, never tires,

Endless devotion, like an ocean's roar,

Each beat, each sigh, ignites the fires.

She dances through the ebbs and flows,

Lost in a whirlwind of emotions untold,

Her love, a tapestry that brightly glows,

In her eyes, the story of love unfolds.

A garden of hopes, blooming bright,

With every touch, she takes flight,

Her soul tangled in the web of delight,

In his arms, everything feels right.

Through the darkest nights, she finds peace,

In his embrace, her worries cease,

A love like this will never cease,

Bound together, in a sweet release.

Whispers of love, like a gentle breeze,

In every moment, her heart at ease,

She surrenders to the sweet disease,

In his love, she finds her inner peace.

Days pass by in a timeless dance,

In his presence, she takes a chance,

Her love for him, a sweet romance,

In his arms, she finds her expanse.

Forever entwined, their hearts beat as one,

In a world where love has just begun,

She knows her journey has just begun,

In love's eternal embrace, she has won.

performance poetryGratitude

About the Creator

Lucinde West

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