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"In the realm of celluloid dreams..."

psichological "poem" by P. I.

By Patty412024Published 29 days ago 1 min read

21 rubini, 2023, movie

It seems to me a bleak film, hastily made, to favor a certain political class in the 2024 elections, thus, 'Made to order,' thickening certain aspects, being biased, but not for the sake of reality. We don't know how to make films that motivate...

"In the realm of celluloid dreams, "21 Rubini" unfolds,

A tale of youth entangled, in quests daring and bold.

Directed by Ciprian Mega, it graced screens in May,

A mosaic of challenges, where moral quandaries sway.

Opinions diverge, like rivers seeking their course,

Some find its narrative compelling, its essence a force.

While others see shadows cast, political strings pulled tight,

A film allegedly tailored, to sway votes in the night.

Yet amidst the discord, one truth remains clear,

Cinema's power to provoke, to inspire, to steer.

For in the kaleidoscope of viewpoints, we find,

The essence of storytelling, the mirror of mankind.

In this tapestry of thought, where shades of gray reside,

"21 Rubini" stands, a beacon in the tide.

So let us heed its message, and in its depths explore,

For in the realm of cinema, truth's essence we adore."

21 rubini, 2023, movie

It seems to me a bleak film, hastily made, to favor a certain political class in the 2024 elections, thus, 'Made to order,' thickening certain aspects, being biased, but not for the sake of reality. We don't know how to make films that motivate...


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