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In the morning, at the sea

Close to nature.

By LASZLO SLEZAKPublished 3 months ago 2 min read
In the morning, at the sea
Photo by Rita Malçok on Unsplash

In the early morning of March, when the sun still smiled timidly on the horizon. I thought one thing and went out to the beach. The sand gently fell under my feet and whispered my face with the wind. The beach is still extinct early in the morning, there are hardly any people walking or running in the sand.

The morning day rises shy little from the horizon like a shy child. His face shone pink in the morning. The waves of the sea waved quietly, as if they were silent swings, to reach the wide, blue coat of the sky. The bright blue of the sky slowly embraced the green of the sea shining in the rays of the sun, whose embrace was like the kissing of the fresh spring wind.

In the golden light of the morning sunflower, the landscape was like a picturesque palette on which the most attractive colors of nature were pumping. In the golden glow of the sunshine, the reflective lights of the distant clouds played as if heavenly diamonds were shining in the infinite blue. The waves of the sea shone in the golden sunlight, while tiny particles of sand rose up in the cool wind. The sky and the sea melted together in light blue and green colors. It was as if all the beauty and wonders of life were concentrated in one moment in the awakening world.

The proximity to the sea has always attracted me. I picked up and sat down in the sand, about 5 meters from the water, on a smaller pit of sand. Under my feet, the water occasionally reached the sandstone and began to wonderfully shape the sand. The cold water had a pleasant effect on my feet and feet. The touch of the cold water touched me like a lightning blow. His cool touch was refreshing in the morning heat. The mixture of water and sand brought calm and harmony, as if nature itself had sent a message on the path to inner peace. As the waves slowly embraced the sandstone, a quiet smile appeared on my face, and I felt as if the whisper of the sea was flowing secret knowledge into me.

Along with the fresh wind of the morning coming from the sea and the quiet whisper, the rays of the sun illuminated the path of joy and peace. The touch of the water was like a lightning blow that poured life-filled energy into my body.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of nature. I listened to the waves under my feet. The whistling of the birds and the sinking of the sea surrounded my being. Every silent noise was like a message about the importance of calm and acceptance. I felt that every small move of nature helped me find inner peace and harmony.

For a moment I forgot about time and everyday worries. Through the proximity of the sea and nature, I understood that the true value of life lies in the moments. Peace and happiness must be sought in the present. As I watched the waves play and the sand form, my inner voice whispered, “Don’t worry, just breathe and let nature guide you.”

It was as if the world had stopped around me. There was only me and the sea, where words and thoughts slowly fade away.

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nature poetry

About the Creator


My name is Lászlo. I live in Spain, and I specialize in creating digital products. I'm also a hobby writer and freelancer. You can check out my website here: https://comparecartpro.com/

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran3 months ago

    I felt like I was there too! This was so wonderful!

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