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I No Longer Want to Eat

So Why am I Always Hungry?

By Randy Wayne Jellison-KnockPublished 10 months ago 1 min read
I No Longer Want to Eat
Photo by Sweet Life on Unsplash

I no longer want to eat.

Too tired,

stay in bed,

back to sleep,

those pangs will go away.


Duluth, Minnesota

1970s family vacation

I want to say Captain Jack’s

no longer there.

Maybe it was something Admiral’s.

It was nautical.

Pay once for all you can eat,

salad bar

order an entrée

finish it

order another.


ate seven in one seating,




frog legs,

both fried & steamed,



nicely sated.

Wonder how many thousands

of calories.


Now trying to find enough

to fill fifteen hundred

over the course

of an entire day.

Don’t want to,

but ought to.

Rather stay in bed.


Lost over thirty pounds,

only eighty-nine to go

before optimal.

Don’t want anything to eat

but know I must.

Just another Mahatma Ghandi

this one without a cause

waiting for something

to end it all.



go to sleep

& let the world drift away

into pleasant slumber

& troubled dreams.

not wanting to eat


So why

am I always hungry?


These are but the simple ruminations of a recently diagnosed diabetic. Yet as I write them, they seem to be telling me something more, more than blood glucose levels, more than having a restricted diet. Something about me, about the world, though I'm not quite sure what.

surreal poetrysocial commentarysad poetry

About the Creator

Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock

Retired Ordained Elder in The United Methodist Church having served for a total of 30 years in Missouri, South Dakota & Kansas.

Born in Watertown, SD on 9/26/1959. Married to Sandra Jellison-Knock on 1/24/1986. One son, Keenan, deceased.

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Comments (23)

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  • Kelly Sibley 8 months ago

    Well done for your honesty Randy. I just lost my Dad last week to diabetic complications. Stick with your food plan!

  • Samrah nadeem9 months ago

    Nice story 👍

  • Honest and cathartic. Food is something I think we all struggle with on some level. Well done Randy

  • Babs Iverson9 months ago

    Authentic and amazing!!! Losing weight is hard to do!!!

  • This is fantastic Randy!!! I could relate. Although I've never eaten seven dinners in one sitting. But boy do I love to eat. Congrats in the weight you've lost so far. I'm on your side cheering you on for the weight you have left to lose. I know you can do it.

  • Gina C.9 months ago

    I really enjoyed reading this Randy, and I want to thank you for sharing something so personal. ❤️ I'm so sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Wishing you well and sending love! ❤️

  • Novel Allen9 months ago

    I totally relate, I love sweets so much, lately i am always hungry. I just try to eat as healthy as possible (good luck, still crave the bad good stuff). Diabetes can be reversed. Get a bitter tea called Cerasee, Amazon and International stores sell it. 2 teabags in a cup of hot water. I prefer to boil the cup with bags in microwave or stove top. Squeeze half a lime's juice in it. It tastes awfullly bitter, but your body needs to be slightly alkaline to fight this condition. This tea helps with keeping your blood on the alkaline side. If you ever try it, cool it down enough to gulp it down with a straw, avoid lime juice on your teeth. Drinking this tea a couple times per week has also lowered my BP. Also, get the Jamaican brand, It is even more bitter. 🤔🙄. If you feel daring enough, add half a spoon of apple cider vinegar. It is guaranteed to make you do the hokey pokey and spin yourself around. I drink that occasionally. WHOOEEEEE!

  • L.C. Schäfer9 months ago

    Brave to share something so personal, but also generous. Lots of people will be able to relate to the sentiment if not the exact experience.

  • Poppy 10 months ago

    Sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis Randy. Thank you for sharing such a personal poem

  • ema10 months ago

    Your poem is beautiful. It's difficult to adapt to a new condition, but I see from a relative that diabetes can be controlled, it can be difficult and it also depends on the help of the people around you. Best wishes.

  • Kendall Defoe 10 months ago

    Sorry about the diagnosis. I have diabetics in my family, so I do a thing where I do not eat anything three hours before heading to bed (much harder than it seems), exercise (running and yoga), a lot of water and less sugar in my diet now. But your piece is making me hungry... Never tried frog's legs... ;)

  • Something more, as in we take more than we ought to? Our surplus is actually from another's plate. Lol, I don't know what I'm mumbling.

  • Oh wow, this definitely had some relatable feelings for me. When sometimes I just have the feelings of not wanting to do anything but lie in bed all day. I used to get that when I worked overnight. Threw everything off. I’m no doctor, I also don’t play one on TV, but I’ve heard of theories such as, more vegetables and grains and less meats being something that’s supposed to help with diabetes. Make it easier, I think even helping to reverse the one that is reversible. But I hope you find some ease to all of this one way or another.

  • Paul Stewart10 months ago

    So much raw honesty to this (Stealing Tony's words) but expressed beautifully, love the train-of-thought feel to it all. Hope things improve re the diabetes, Randy. This is a great read, though!

  • Donna Renee10 months ago

    Ooof, that must be so frustrating and difficult 😩

  • ARC10 months ago

    This was raw and so honest, Randy. Thank you for sharing this piece of yourself with us. What questions are you asking life - to get an answer to your footnote?

  • KJ Aartila10 months ago

    I'm very sorry you're going through this - my MIL was a severe diabetic - she had a lot of complications, but she didn't take care of herself. I hope you can figure out a better balance soon. ❤️

  • Melissa Ingoldsby10 months ago

    I’m sorry for this pain, it sounds like such a heartache you are going through. You write it very well and it’s an aching portrait of such a hardship, I hope it gets better soon

  • Grz Colm10 months ago

    Sounds like quite a journey! Hang in there! I’m not sure what the deeper meaning is either - when you find out Randy, be sure to let us know! 😊

  • Mariann Carroll10 months ago

    Very relatable poem, Eating healthy is like scavenger hunt. Healthy food don’t sometimes fill you up. You are in my prayers, Pastor Randy. 🙏🏽

  • Manisha Dhalani10 months ago

    Story of my life - always hungry. Fortunately, my sugar is still controlled. Thank you for reminding me that this is also a reason to be concerned. Hope you feel alright!

  • I often feel like this. I used to love a full English, but now the general desire has gone. I still like food but do not eat as much as I used to. Great poetic journey Randy

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