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I Mean

Two Faced America Part 1

By StelaniePublished 3 years ago 1 min read
I Mean
Photo by Domingo Alvarez E on Unsplash

You are so terrible to me

I mean

You are so terrific to those who adore you

You are so mean to most

I mean You are so meaningful to those who also hates us

You are so simple minded

I mean

You are so simply desired by those who enjoy judging others

You create catastrophes

I mean

You are creative with your pronunciation of words

You hide your taxes in shame of all your lies

I mean

You hydrate Flint and the economy with false pureness and prosperity

You are fooling millions with your true I.Q.

I mean

You are fool proofing a plan to make sure the one percent lingers farther from the rest

I mean

No that’s right

You are the hypocritical two faced liar that is tearing our country apart

sad poetry

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