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Hot Dogs, Hot Dogs, Give Me Hot Dogs!!!

In my life it seems, there have always been hotdogs. Everywhere I've gone, everything I've done, I have always been able to rely on a hotdog to see me through.

By John Oliver SmithPublished 3 months ago 2 min read
Photo by Anthony Ikehara with permission

Ate my supper in the day.

Good ol’ hot dogs made me stay,

For a “frank” aroma all around.

In the pan, that sizzling sound.

Ketchup, mustard, relish too.

Brown and juicy through and through.

Just ate one and then another,

“That’s enough” exclaimed my mother,

“Save a couple for your brother.”

The bare-bones hotdog

Saw some ballgames in my day,

Watched my favorite players play.

In between the innings there,

To hotdog stands, I would tear.

Give me one, no make it ten.

I’ve still a dollar left to spend.

Wieners tender, buns so fresh,

Melted cheese – I can only wish.

Ev’ry bite just so delish’.

A Ballpark Frank

County fairs come the end of May,

Foot-long hot dogs all the way.

Sweet scent of spices in my nose,

On spits they’d roll – my hunger grows.

Uncle pays for one or three,

Then Auntie buys some more for me.

“If you want to ride ‘The Twister’,

You best slow down; I tell you mister –

And save a couple for your sister.”

Fair Dogs

Got married just the other day.

We had a feast of hotdogs – “YAY”

Friends and neighbours did appear.

Sauce on buns, each one smeared.

Plump and juicy and dripped with cheese.

I need another if you please.

The preacher spoke and vows I took.

All in attendance signed the book,

Then rushed to watch the hotdogs cook.

I planned a picnic yesterday,

Built a campfire near the bay.

Found some branches and whittled them,

‘Til sharp and pointy at the end.

Placed a sausage on each one.

Held over flames ‘til all were done.

While on my very favorite bread,

Pickles ‘n’ mayo I chose to spread

To make my special “hotdog bed”.

Met my doctor and he did say,

For what I’ve eaten, I would pay.

Hot dogs full of processed meat,

And condiments so full of sweet.

Carbs galore in hotdog buns,

High lactose cheese to give me “runs”.

But Doc, I love those "doggies" so.

Without them I would starve you know.

He shook his head, "Best let them go!"

So it came, my funeral day.

I requested hotdogs for the fray.

Friends gathered there from far and near,

Ate some ‘dogs’ and drank some beer,

Sang some songs and danced a lot,

Gathered ‘round and smoked some pot.

I didn’t want a normal wake,

"We don't want no lemon cake."

Just juicy hotdogs – "For HEAVEN'S sake!!!"

Yes Ray Kinsella, this is heaven!!

For Fun

About the Creator

John Oliver Smith

Baby, son, brother, child, student, collector, farmer, photographer, player, uncle, coach, husband, student, writer, teacher, father, science guy, fan, coach, grandfather, comedian, traveler, chef, story-teller, driver, regular guy!!

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  • Cathy holmes3 months ago

    That was a fun read. And...now I want a hot dog!

  • Sandra Matos3 months ago

    Mmmmm! Even the ending doesn't erase the yumminess that your descriptive words bring to my mind! I lived in Brooklyn, N.Y., for all of my (5) pregnancies, and I loved dirty-water franks! I can't eat them any more because I don't want to end up like the "hero" of your poem. But mainly, I don't want to go to the bathroom in your photo! (hee hee) This was an excellent read with great writing! You evoked smells, tastes, and experiences. Very entertaining read! Good luck in the contest!

  • ema3 months ago

    Great poem I love it! And delicious pictures! 🤩

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