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hero's brow

By Moharif YuliantoPublished about a month ago 1 min read
Photo by Anh Henry Nguyen on Unsplash

No cape nor crown adorns the hero's brow,

No legend etched in marble tells their tale.

They walk among us, faces in the crowd,

But courage burns within, a fire that won't fail.

Not forged in battles, bathed in blood and steel,

Their triumphs rise from acts both small and grand.

The single mother, shielding hearts that reel,

A fortress built with love, a steady hand.

The teacher, eyes that spark with endless light,

Igniting minds, dispelling shades of fear.

The scientist, in tireless, patient fight,

Unraveling disease, whispering hope's call clear.

The artist, brushstrokes weaving worlds unseen,

A tapestry of beauty, dreams take flight.

The farmer, tilling soil where seeds convene,

Nourishing life beneath a sunlit sky.

The firefighter, a shield against the blaze,

Embracing danger with a fearless heart.

The doctor, mending bodies in a daze,

From shattered lives, a masterpiece of art.

The whistleblower, voice rising in the night,

Exposing shadows, truth a flaming sword.

The peacemaker, with gentle, calming might,

Healing divides, a harmony restored.

The hero's strength is not in muscles honed,

But in the spirit, resolute and strong.

A quiet resilience, battles fought alone,

Against despair, where shadows linger long.

They face their demons, doubts that twist and turn,

Embrace vulnerability, a fearless stand.

For heroism's not a badge they yearn,

But simply living for a helping hand.

They mend the broken, lift the fallen soul,

With empathy's embrace, a gentle touch.

Their victories are whispered, taking hold,

In lives transformed, a world that loves so much.

No monuments may mark their earthly stay,

But legacies reside in hearts they mend.

The hero's journey, lit by dawning day,

A testament to kindness that transcends.

So let us raise a song, a hymn of praise,

For heroes walk among us, near and far.

In ordinary lives, their brilliance displays,

The extraordinary souls who light our every star.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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