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For Paul’s Unofficial Remix Challenge Thingo

By Poppy Published 2 months ago 1 min read
Image Created on Midjourney

When did you last hold your own needle, stitch up your own heart? When was the last time you searched the cabinet for antiseptic, not poison? The last time you peeled back a band-aid wrapper, rather than your own skin?

When was the last time you let yourself be mesmerised by sea salt on rocks? The last time you lost yourself in a song and wrote sonnets to a morning mist?

You bathe in your brokenness, press down on your bruises, drink melancholy like wine.

When did you last look in the mirror and label her a masterpiece, rather than a disaster? When was the last time you held out a helping hand to her?

When did you last forgive yourself?

The last time you laughed it was a mere methodical upturn of your lips, a practiced gesture, a layer of stage make-up. The last time you laughed it hurt your broken ribs, brought blood to your lips that nobody saw but you could taste.

The last time you laughed in public, it made you cry in your car because reality had never felt quite so heavy as when you realised joy was an act but never a feeling.

Question: When was the last time you touched happiness?

Answer: When someone handed it to you. When someone assured you that you were worthy of it, gift wrapped it with ribbon and tucked it inside a handmade card.

The last time you held happiness was so long ago because you are still searching for the same kind of delivery. A card and a neatly tied bow and a pair of hands holding it out.

But happiness is everywhere. In the ocean's whisper, the stars' spotlights, the morning's mist and the cabinet's antiseptic.

Question: When will be the next time you laugh without it hurting?

Answer: Soon.


Here's Paul's Challenge:

And here's his wonderful poem that this was based off:

ProseMental Health

About the Creator


‘Wasted Love' available to purchase here in paperback and eBook format.

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  • Angie the Archivist 📚🪶16 days ago

    Just reread this one… excellent remix! Love this: ‘ When was the last time you let yourself be mesmerised by sea salt on rocks? The last time you lost yourself in a song and wrote sonnets to a morning mist?’💙

  • Shirley Belk2 months ago

    This made me get into my self-awareness outfit. Great questions to ponder. Thank you, Poppy. Great re-mix

  • I'm happy for you. As Monty Python once so famously said (or sang), "Always look on the bright side of life."

  • D.K. Shepard2 months ago

    So well done! The line “When did you last look in the mirror and label her a masterpiece, rather than a disaster?” got me good

  • Dana Crandell2 months ago

    Absolutely gorgeous, Poppy! Your talent never fails to bowl me over!

  • Cathy holmes2 months ago

    This is simply beautiful. I especially love the hope on the last lines. Well done.

  • Paul Stewart2 months ago

    oh, ffs. you, girl, are talented. I've said it a lot, but I'll continue to say it. Man on man. This is beautiful. I mean heartwrenching (I have kinda come to expect that of you Ms Thepoet, but nevertheless...)...I love how it is almost like a self-therapy session and that ending...with its tones of hope is to die for. Love the formatting and prose-style. The fact you took my little thing and created this. This sea one seems to be the favourite lol. It's interesting.. Thank you for supporting the challenge and for your entry, always appreciate your work ad you've now may it even harder for me to pick the winners etc. I'll add it to the above list in due time. Well bloody done. Just yeah...

  • Great remix of Paul’s Sea song! Beautiful allusion to the sea & answers sought to deep questions. ‘ When was the last time you let yourself be mesmerised by sea salt on rocks? The last time you lost yourself in a song and wrote sonnets to a morning mist?.. When will be the next time you laugh without it hurting? Answer: Soon.“ I hope so!🥹

  • Anna 2 months ago

    This was so heartbreking... well done!

  • Hayley Matto2 months ago

    Gorgeous Poppy!! “Drink melancholy like wine” & the realization of joy being an act not a feeling hit hard. As always incredibly writing, you know how to slam dunk those emotions and pair them with such accurate images. Simply lovely writing! 🤍

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