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Enough with heartbreak

By MICHELLE SMITHPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
You will recover from this heartbreak. Take your time.

Just when it began it was pulled from right under

It only just started but didn’t take long to crumble

Thought it was something that could last forever

Now thoughts are circling like vultures

Feeling down in all situations

Which way can I turn now?

Knowing no matter, the directions it was over in a flash

Started up quickly and disappeared the same

Time to call it quits, which I never thought we would

Feeling stupid for all I did

All I had planned just went down the drain

Now I’m circling that drain once again, round and round I go

Trying to pick up the pieces that just keep falling through

This game has come to an end and a new player has joined

Little one didn’t ask to be here, but we created this great human being

Now the game is over, and he’ll never get to know you

I’ll raise him as a family of three once more

All is falling around me

I’m drowning more and more

With each breath I take I feel like I’m falling

This dark whole opening up and swallowing me whole

You started something you knew wouldn’t last

Let alone want to try to accomplish

You made assumptions and treated the same as the rest

This game has come to an end

Now where do you stand?

This whole will get deeper before I rise

Possibility seems small on that part

You’ve left me wounded and all alone

Two children and all else that is going on

This game came to an end before it began

Now where does the future lead?

Nonsense that wasted everyone’s time

You didn’t care who got hurt

Introduced you to the most important one in my life

You let us both down, now consequences have risen

I’m dealing with the pain, a little heart that needs mending

Thought we had something

Guess the game wasn’t worth saving

When will I find the finish line?

Feels like there isn’t one

A never-ending game

All alone with nothing else to give

I’m hopeless and not willing to try again

Heart has been ripped from my chest once again

I’m tired of the games, especially the ones we don’t win

Why bother trying again?

Nothing will work out, this hole will remain

I know I am strong, but how will I go on?

Emotions swirling around like a circling drain

Game over, not how I expect 2020 to begin

Guess I’ll start building once more

Where to begin when all else feels like it’s crumbling at my feet

Feelings lost and insecure

Trying to make the best life for two little ones the best I can

Where does this path go from here?

I guess we can only go up from here

Game over and here is to a fresh start

Family will come first and nothing more

Accept the way it is or just move on

No time for the games you want to play

Too much crazy already anyways

Don’t begin something you can’t finish

Don’t assume it will all change

Adapt to what you got yourself into or just leave the game

A few already have, what is a few more who keep moving on

Game has come to an end

A fresh new beginning will begin

Now is my chance to do it right

I won’t make the same mistakes once again

Spreading the positive mind set and love

Raising gentlemen

No more games, I don’t have time

This game has finally ended

Let’s being the next one


About the Creator


Be the inspiration you want others to see. I just want to inspire others through poetry. We all need a bit of positivity and to know that there are others going through similar situations.

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