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Friends to Lovers

Three sonnets

By Beth SarahPublished 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 1 min read
Friends to Lovers
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Dear Ben,

You lit up another joint and I smoked

And smoked and smoked some more. Unaccustomed

Now to the sickly sweet green, and soaked

Together with thick, heady wine: husband

In a match far from heavenly. And yet

It felt like a kind of celebration.

Then so, as usual, I thought like fuck it -

I drank and smoked more; clear aberration.

And thus the room fell away around me

And I was rendered unable to move

Or speak. My head rolled down off my neck, the

Ability to stand was lost. But love,

There you stood. Pretty wasted too, you said.

Yet still you managed to get me to bed.


I cast myself beneath the blanket like

A child afraid of the dark. Shrouded in

Comfort, head still spinning. You turned, dreamlike

To leave. Beautiful friend of old, strange kin -

In that moment I saw you through fresh eyes.

I called your name and watched your silhouette

Pause and hesitate. I sensed your surprise,

But all I wanted then, like we just met,

Was to curl up in your arms and melt

Away. Through the murky fuzz in my head

Everything became somehow so clear. Dealt

A funny hand by some trickster, I held

Your shirt and pulled you to me thus compelled.


And so that night, somewhere in the misty

Sea of the dark, we fumbled and fell in

- rather clumsy - to new intimacy.

Confused whispers passed between us and skin

On skin tumbled; layers of clothes unworn -

Cast aside to allow the crossing of

Boundaries set years prior. New born

Feelings emerged in spurts of comfort, love

And desire. Divine perplexity. The

Entire galaxy opened and again

Collapsed in on itself, designed to be

Unlocked in the pleasure of your lips. Plain

And suddenly so obvious that now,

Though hesitant myself, I pledge a holy vow.

love poems

About the Creator

Beth Sarah

We've been scribbled in the margins of a story that is patently absurd

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