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Foolish/Stupid Fool

Two poems together, feeling like a fool in the end.

By MICHELLE SMITHPublished 11 months ago 2 min read
Don't let your heart deceive you!

Title: Foolish

Feeling like such an idiot

A fool who was in love

Heart ripped into a million pieces

Once again left alone, while you ghosted me

Claiming to be different from the rest, yet you proved me wrong

Feeling stupid thinking about you

Thought you were the one, silly me

Bouncing thoughts and you are no where to be found

Ignoring my text, thoughts I guess

Loneliness is a hard experience

Knowing there are guiding hands in this situation, but still feeling down with no explanation

Thought you were the one, search was done

Wrong once again, alone in the end

Opened up to you and let you in

Ghosted in the end, guess you win

Title: Stupid Fool

You played me like a fool

Heartbroken once more

I never thought letting you in led here

Foolish me, I sinned again believing in a man

Feeling helpless, wasted precious time

You disappeared, you were no friend of mine in your mind

I'm feeling lost and confused

Feeling stupid for believing in you

You came off as the right one

With fears and lots of love

You disappeared without a trace

Leaving me wandering like the stars in space

Such a fool for believing in you

Time has shown I'm just meant to be alone

Take it and run with it, this is the plan

Let's see where this road ends, no more stupid foolishness

Life always is throwing a curve ball especially when it comes to love. They say you can't help who you fall in love with and honestly that seems to be true, however, they never say how much work has to be put in. Through all the ups and downs you have to face, I know eventually I won't feel so stupid and foolish. There is someone out there for us all, we just need to have patience. These poems show that I've found the one but definitely it is a struggle, I just need to be reminded to keep my head up. I can't control everything. Live in the moment and see where it takes you. Love is a powerful and amazing thing.

sad poetryheartbreak

About the Creator


Be the inspiration you want others to see. I just want to inspire others through poetry. We all need a bit of positivity and to know that there are others going through similar situations.

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