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Finally, love at first sight

An abstract poem.

By Leigh HooperPublished 2 years ago β€’ Updated 2 years ago β€’ 2 min read
Finally, love at first sight
Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

I'm in a room full of people, doing something mundane and unimportant when someone mentions your name. My ears prick up, my eyes quickly flick towards you...and you're already looking.

I pull a silly face, one I've shared with you so many times. You pull one back.

I avert my eyes then, hoping you don't notice the blush on my face. Hoping you can't hear my heart beating just a little too fast.

The people are still talking about you, they're sharing a story about something you've done. Something funny, which is so. like. you.

I smile while I continue my unimportant task, and suddenly it doesn't feel so mundane when I'm thinking about you.

And then it clicks.

Fuck, I'm thinking about you.

How long have I been thinking about you?

I try to think of something else.

I look outside the window, trying to find relief by watching the breeze in the trees.

But there you are, in the corner of my mind. And in the corner of my eye you approach me.

Suddenly my unimportant task is very VERY important.

Because if I look at you for longer than a second my pupils will dilate, my lips will part and I'll say something stupid because words don't work when I'm with you.

"Hey" is all it takes for me to start smiling. Beaming like a Cheshire Cat, really. Stop that.

"Hi. You alright?"

Small talk I can manage. You sit beside me. I feel the heat of your skin near mine. I swallow.

Inside, I'm screaming at myself. I've known you for years. You're my best friend. We used to sit together for our maths classes. I've seen you in a dress, when you were twelve. And I watched you go through that phase when you thought you were cool...when you weren't.

Yet, here I am.

You lie your head on the table, your arms now covering the papers of my mundane task.

I reach out and play with your hair.

God knows why I did it. I chide myself for doing it. But I still do it.

And it feels right.

And falling in love with you happened over the course of many years but realising I'm in love with you happened all at once.

And although I've seen your face a thousand times, today is the day that it was love at first sight.


I wrote 3 poems for the "From Across The Room" Challenge in the hopes to capture different sides of 'love at first sight'. I might not publish all 3, but I hope this resonates with someone and you think about your loved one!

If you liked this poem feel free to leave a heart to show your love! Any tips, subscriptions, or even a pledge would absolutely make my day - but no pressure!

If you want to get to know the author behind the article follow me @leighooper on Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks for reading, I hope to see you soon!

love poems

About the Creator

Leigh Hooper

A writer in her twenties with a head full of ideas and a room full of books✨

My Instagram handle is: @leighooper

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