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"Ephemeral Embrace"

"A Symphony of Hearts in the Dance of Love"

By waseem ChemistPublished 6 months ago 1 min read

In the twilight of our fleeting grace,

"Ephemeral Embrace," a delicate pursuit,

A symphony of hearts in love's ballet,

In the dance of emotions, we discover our path.

Beneath the moon's gentle, shimmering light,

A rhythm of passion begins to take flight,

A momentary touch, a whispered breath,

In the fleeting embrace, hearts draw near.

A brush of lips, a gentle sway,

Love's melody, a serenade to convey,

Moments etched in the fabric of time,

In the dance of love, our spirits intertwine.

Light footsteps in the ballroom of dreams,

Where reality dances with fantasy, it seems,

A tapestry woven with threads so fine,

In the ephemeral embrace, our souls align.

With each heartbeat, a musical note,

A rhythmic journey, love's antidote,

Harmony weaves through the tapestry,

A passionate dance, wild and free.

Yet, as dawn approaches, the music may fade,

The fleeting embrace in the morning shade,

But echoes remain, a sweet memory,

A symphony of hearts, a love's decree.

So let us dance within the arms of time,

In the ephemeral embrace, love's paradigm,

A ballet of emotions, a celestial art,

A symphony of hearts, never to depart.

nature poetrysad poetrylove poems

About the Creator

waseem Chemist

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