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Ecstasy and agony

#poem-a-day (well, most days)

By Heather HublerPublished about a month ago 2 min read
Created with NIghtCafeStudio

I don't often pair music with my pieces, but I felt this was worth sharing (even though I really don't like the cover pic of the video, lol, just ignore it).

https://youtu.be/KY-aNMZSQU4?si=QlH2hmex5fZfXokS, Lucas King


Everything beautiful makes me cry.

In moments of the extraordinary, I'm convinced

the universe is tethered through me and I

can feel it, this fragile connection to all things.

My heart expands,

my breath catches,

my mind lies prostrate in absolute awe

at the brilliance of my exposure;

I am moved. Simply and utterly.

And then this maelstrom of unfettered emotions

rises within, rushing through me in a furious torrent,

stretching my veins completely,

filling my lungs to the point of pain,

and I feel something so decidedly foreign–

Awake. Alive.

Maybe not quite so dead inside,

or forgotten,

or invisible.

The sound of piano keys and violins and voices raised

transports my tedious reality.

Elevates the mundane.

I devour a kaleidoscope of colors mixed on medium and painted across the sky,

pulling my gaze up to the heavens.

I witness the hopeful goodness in humanity.

Behold what it means for people to care about others,

lifting them up, loving without selfish agenda,

and it makes me feel worthy for a time.

An escape from the ugly.

I'm absorbed by the innocence of the natural world,

of the way creatures show inclusion and tenderness

amidst a brutal existence meant solely for survivors.

Tears press against my lashes, a thick knot forming in my throat at the primal wonder on display.

There is such a raw, surreal feeling to each minute.

It's a luxury and a privilege to experience.

An unrefined euphoria leaving me exposed and vulnerable like my skin's been scraped from the inside out,

as though I can be hurt more easily after the intensity wanes.

Empathy is a dual-edged blade after all,

capable of renewal as easily as destruction,

and therein lies the crux for me–

it's impossible not to feel the wounds of both.

The ecstasy and agony go hand in hand,

yet not in equal measure,

for I must willfully seek out the beauty.

The grotesque is never out of reach.


Thank you for spending your time with me :)

To be fair, I've been feeling poorly, it's been rainy for three days, and I watched an unhealthy amount of fb reels this morning...this is the result.

sad poetrynature poetryinspirationalFree Verse

About the Creator

Heather Hubler



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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (15)

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  • The Dani Writer29 days ago

    Heather, you had me at the first line. This is soooo incredibly touching! And you know, sometimes, when we're in those inexplicable spaces of feeling that might send others running for the hills, we have the ability to articulate insights felt that are so detailed that we forget how truly divine and amazing we are, and that imbalances of societal living can throw such dissonance and disruption between such truth. You sensed the earth and all of existence without any resistance. I have too. It's all kinds of magnificence that doesn't lend itself fully to words but you did one heck of a job! Stay amazing...and do it again 😊😍😊

  • Magnificent!🤩 I especially love: ‘ I devour a kaleidoscope of colors mixed on medium and painted across the sky, pulling my gaze up to the heavens. I witness the hopeful goodness in humanity. Behold what it means for people to care about others, lifting them up, loving without selfish agenda, and it makes me feel worthy for a time. An escape from the ugly.’ 💙

  • D.K. Shepardabout a month ago

    The reels will get you…kidding, kind of…But great poem! Like Dharrsheena I loved the empathy line! And also the “yet not in equal measure” honestly, lots to admire here!

  • Cathy holmesabout a month ago

    This is truly beautiful, my friend.

  • Kalina Bethanyabout a month ago

    Elevates the mundane… my life in a series of anxiety-fuelled mistakes! Great piece as always, Heather!

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    "Empathy is a dual-edged blade after all, capable of renewal as easily as destruction, and therein lies the crux for me– it's impossible not to feel the wounds of both." These lines hit me so hard. Sometimes I wish I didn't have any empathy because like you said, it's a double-edged sword it hurts so bad. But then again, without empathy, I wouldn't be me anymore. I guess it's both our curse and blessing. Hope you feel better soon my sweet looney partner. Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️

  • John Coxabout a month ago

    Damn, Heather. It hurts when you are fully awake. Small wonder the world is so invested in numbing us into complacent lethargy.

  • Esala Gunathilakeabout a month ago

    Fantastic one. Top notched.

  • Christy Munsonabout a month ago

    I just realized I had not yet subscribed to you. That makes no sense. Problem solved! I enjoyed this one. The lines that sing in my soul now: "The sound of piano keys and violins and voices raised | transports my tedious reality." Lovely!

  • Hannah Mooreabout a month ago

    A dual edged blade indeed.

  • Gina C.about a month ago

    Absolutely beautiful piece, my friend! I got choked up several times reading this. So many stunning lines in here and some wondrous visuals. I’ll have to come back to pair it with the music when I have better reception!! 😍

  • Alex H Mittelman about a month ago

    Well written! Great job!

  • JBazabout a month ago

    Yes it is sad, and yes I hope these worded are not a reflection of your life. But Damn if this isn’t beautiful. There is such a poetic haunting essence to every line you wrote. I love this one

  • Paul Stewartabout a month ago

    Beautiful, sad and very morose, as you said, but beautiful all the same! Well done. I echo Lamar's words...you just get poetry on this visceral, deep level. Loved it!

  • Lamar Wigginsabout a month ago

    You’ve outdone yourself with this one, Heather. Each line flows to the next with growing purpose. I couldn’t stop reading. The piano adds a layer of depth and emotion. Pairs nicely. Whether you get a top story or not. It is one for sure in my book! 😍✍🏽👏👏👏

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