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Dreams Can Change Your Life


By Elizabeth FigueroaPublished 28 days ago 3 min read
Dreams Can Change Your Life
Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

I had never thought dreams were so real until that one night not so long ago.

I always believed, one way or another, they were mish-mashes of all the thoughts of the day combined with some odd, random memories.

After all, that was the reason I wasn't even bothered to recall what it was all about.

But this dream of a person I've never met before – let's not bother with names, you see, for a dream visitor, it was a person of such a presence I can only compare them with a storm that destroyed my calm, serene life.

I saw my visitor in the dream: his eyes sparkled like stars at night.

They looked right through me as if they raised my wall and saw my heart, place, and soul.

I knew he was looking at me and judging me; at the same time, it was the safest I've ever felt.

I saw us together, side by side – as clearly as I could see people walking down the street.

He was tall, moving with a grace that seemed more like gliding than walking.

However, his smile could light the room and warm everyone in it.

We were telling jokes and laughing, and it seemed that only the two of us had been on this cheeky wavelength for ages even though we just met.

The dream felt so real, and I smiled when I woke up.

A smile born out of pure joy on dreaming but, at the same time, with no doubt, sadness – because I woke up in the end.

I stayed in bed for a while, clenched my eyes shut, and tried to remember everything – the feeling, miraculous images, and sounds of a dream.

I thought about my life.

I thought about the days I believed I would never feel happy again.

When someone special left me, I thought those days would never end.

My days felt too long, and my nights were empty spaces of silence and shadows.

But on the bright side, this dream was a light in my dark world.

It reminded me that life is more than my pain.

It showed me that I could be happy again; I Dream of Love and laughter.

I am strong enough to get up and face the break of my days, not just filled with sadness.

I am the captain of my ship, the master of my fate, and I steer my life's direction.

Even though my dream visitor fitted with the galaxies in his eyes and a warm smile, he symbolized new beginnings for me.

He came not just to visit my dream fireplace but also to remind me that it could still offer me many possibilities.

There may be a new chapter for you, a new joy to bring you love and new experiences.

I began to see my daily life differently.

I saw the small things that brought me joy.

The sunshine seemed to fill my kitchen with my daily morning joy—children's laughter with urban life outside.

The scent of coffee brought a sense of excitement.

Happiness is not still exciting or grand—some you can find in the joy of little details every day.

And so, I started living again.

I laughed more, talked to old friends, and made some new ones.

I embraced the hobbies I'd put away.

I dusted off my painting supplies and started to draw again.

I found joy in blending colors, coloring on the brush, and making a mess of a white sheet of paper until it was beautiful.

I cherished the people in my life.

I shared people's stories and the happiness they gave me, holding their hands through the tears.

I realized that what my dream visitor brought into my life, I can deliver to others.

Every night before I sleep, I dream about that dream and wonder if I'll ever travel to that world again and meet him.

Even if I don't, the happiness from that dream lit me up.

It woke me up from my sadness and made me see that life is still beautiful, and I can dream again, and I can love again.

That's why I learned to live to the fullest.

every day is new, and I look forward to it with hope in my heart.

Life is unpredictable.

Not every day is excellent, but I prepare to face every difficulty that comes my way.

I know no matter how to pitch it goes; there is light, a beautiful end, and a dream that seems like a teaser of a good day yet to happen.

So, I keep dreaming because dreaming is living.

And I want to learn how to live fully, just like I found joy in a dream on a quiet night.

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About the Creator

Elizabeth Figueroa

Poetry is my jam but I'll write just about anything

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  • Rosie𐙚27 days ago

    Yes! Dreams are so powerful.

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