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Don't Hold Back

Pursue Your Purpose.

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 7 months ago 1 min read

- Running from a battle, will not cause pain to cease, we must fight to achieve the common goal, of world peace.

- Do not be afraid to show the world just who you are, believe in yourself, have faith in your purpose, and you can go so very far.

- Many people choose to fear the change thats necessary to grow, Learn to embrace this aspect, and get into a steady state flow.

- A mountain to one person, may be a mole hill to another, we must learn to see the world through the eyes of each other.

- You can't escape the fact, that everyone of us will die, use the time you have in this world to make a difference, reach for the sky.

- Meditation can help a person, to calm their body, and mind, it also helps with the answers that you may seeking, to truly find.

- The pace of the world is like a race that's unfurled, it's like a road, with no stop sign, take time to breath, and think, with wisdom and kindness, allow your morals to align.

- Be a guiding light in a world, where chaos is very consistent, work through the trials that may arise, you can overcome anything, if you're persistent.

- Born into perception, we are all puzzles, with a missing piece, don't hold onto that which you cannot change, allow such pain to release.

- The most important thing I have found, is my purpose for being here, I no longer cry when I am sad, but when truly happy, I will shed a tear.

- It's time to wake up from the world, where bondage we were born into, don't allow assumptions from others, to define the potential in you.

- Working each day to survive in a world, with no excess to show, money is not the reason for living, it's inspiring in humanity, divinities glow.

- Learn to face your fears, and do not let them hold you back, instead see yourself as a warrior, and when fear arises, with courage, lead the pack.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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  • Kaylon Forsyth (Author)7 months ago

    I really appreciate your comments, thank you so much for reading my work

  • Gosh this was brimming with positivity and was very uplifting! I loved it!

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