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Dear Mr. Heathcliff

A poem for a former love's redemption

By Nessy WriterPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Dear Mr. Heathcliff,


It’s been a while since we’ve last spoken

In any genuine sort of way.

Lies and guilty deception,

Were woven webs

In which I trembled and was trapped.


But breaking free,

And having seen the spider

Who waited oh so patiently,

With hidden fangs.

I know I cannot blame her

Or you, for the cocoon you’ve

Drifted to,

Nature cannot be denied.


I understand your fear

The path you’ve taken is far safer than my own

This highway of broken glass

Of inner demons

Swathed in solitude

No guiding figure,

Or hand to hold.


I hope one day

You find the path I’ve taken,

Embrace the nobler nature

you aspire to

And have within.

Self-denial, solitude and honour

Are prickly hands to hold.

You bleed, constantly

And you must feel that you’ve had pain enough.


Happiness is assured for us all, Mr. Heathcliff,

When we face the shadows lurking in our bathroom mirrors

When we fight them on the battlefield

Of self-hate, shame and disappointment.

When we face them all alone,

And know we alone defeated them.


Have courage Mr. Heathcliff,

Temporary pleasures are a poison

You spend a life time draining.

You helped me see that in myself,

Long before you,

That I was lost

And poisoning myself.

You must face this too,

In time you’ll see,

I hope with honest love

That you become the noble warrior you were always meant to be.





About the Creator

Nessy Writer

A freelance writer of all sorts sharing it out with the world. Poetry, prose, advice, reviews and travel writing.

If you want to show your support and see more please follow me on Twitter: Nessywriter

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