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Believe, Everything is possible!

A Poem to Believe in Yourself

By Payal MotlaPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Believe, Everything is Possible!

When doors are shut, a window still remains open,

Believe, Everything is Possible!

Remember, even on rocky mountains, a small way is still constructed

Believe, Everything is Possible!

Remember, that even Cindrella had one wish fulfilled,

Believe, Everything is Possible!

Remember that after a season full of cold, summers do arrive,

Believe, Everything is Possible!

Remember, that even after the torrent rains, tress stand tall,

Believe, Everything is Possible!

Remember, that when an eyesight is lost, other sensory organs function better,

Believe, Everything is Possible!

Remember, that the ways of ocean make noise, but deep within is silence unheard of,

Believe, Everything is Possible!

Remember, that the mango tree gives mangoes which it cannot eat itself,

Believe, Everything is Possible!

Remember, that a bird makes nest but always teaches its younger ones to fly,

We all see various ups and downs that life throws upon us, but seldom realise that we are the ones who never stopped the grind. We are the ones who struggle much harder during stormy days and night. We fail to understand the undying attitute and grind that we all posses.

Hustle Hard enough, that even God say," Have it my child, You deserve this!"

Just Remember,

That Believe in Yourself and hardwork can change what is written in destiny.

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About the Creator

Payal Motla

I am a Financial geek, a Passionate content creator, a writer & a Trainer by heart. I would love explore the possibilites.

My instagram account @payalmotla

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/payal-motla-79794438/

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