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An Ode to Dr. Pepper

Perhaps not a snack but a companion of one none-the-less!

By Donna Fox (HKB)Published 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 2 min read

“Ah shit”

“What is it?”

“This is the last one”

“You better savour it, hun”


I admire your beautiful burgundy can

It shines up at me from my hand

A blend of twenty-three flavours

It’s something too good to savour


I crack open the can

I hold you in my hand

And listen to that fizz

No better sound there is


I slurp my first sip

Cherry flavour on my lip

I feel that tingle on my tongue

Pulls me out of any funk


That flavour of warm spice

Enough to sip you twice

Sip, sip and sigh

Without you, I’d die


Down my throat I let you slide

Your deliciousness can’t be denied

I savour your sweet taste

Not a drop will go to waste


You go down far too smooth

The reason I’m a sweet tooth

Slurp, slurp and Buuuuurp

I dab my chin with my shirt


I watch the umber liquid disappear

For my last taste, I live in fear

The last sip is coming soon

Can I have two before noon?


Maybe I can settle for only one glass

But my craving is creeping up fast

Alas, your gone, you are no more

I grab my keys and am out the door


In search of another box

In pyjamas and fuzzy socks

I hope this isn’t some form of addiction

Like the way I constantly write fiction


I fear this obsession is some kind of mania

Should I call my friend in Malaysia?

No, she’d tell me that I’m crazy

But without you my mind is hazy


I hope she’d understand

Why I need a can in my hand

Because nothing drives me to compete

Like the taste of something so sweet


I crave a can every day

I just can’t stay away

As a child, I’d do anything for thee

The ultimate reward for a kid like me


Dr. Pepper, you are in all my best memories

Accompanied by many summer breezes

When I was young and needed a treat

Or had a bad day and accepted defeat


At the table at every family dinner

And game nights with no winner

You always cheered me up

When I sipped from the cup


Thank you for being there for me

Even from inside my tummy

You allow me to sigh with relief

My absolute favourite beyond belief


Forever my comfort drink

Without you, I cannot think

I wish more people loved you as I do

But then again, now get more of you


For me, you truly are the best

Without you, I’d feel unrest

I’d cry if you got discontinued

And Coca-Cola would be sued


. . .


This was for my beloved Dr. Pepper

Each sip makes my world better

Established in 1885

Years before I was alive


A classic drink for any civilized person

And anyone who loves to have fun

For me, it will always be my #1

Odelove poemshumorGratitudeFamily

About the Creator

Donna Fox (HKB)

Thank you for stopping by!! 💚💙💜🩵

If you are interested in longer works by me, I have two books published on Amazon.

Jogger's Trail and Fox in The Hole.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Thavien Yliaster2 months ago

    My mom absolutely loves Dr. Pepper. Every time we go to a gas station she has to get one or two. Ever since I moved out of my parent's house and started living on my own, I always keep one in the fridge for her. Speaking of which, I should probably go buy some for her, cause she's gonna be visiting soon. Also, Your love for Dr. Pepper reminds me of one of my favorite YouTubers, "Matt Patt," the dude who started Game Theory, Film Theory, Food Theory, and even Style Theory. Bro knows how to accessorize while eating well to Your favorite film that may or may not be based off of a video game. That being typed, You mention Dr. Pepper to me and I might start to think about a commercial that Fergie did where she drank a can, and pulled a cherry pit out of her mouth that still had the stem attached but it was tied in a knot. Plus, after seeing Your and Dharrsheena's comments, don't be ashamed. I'm a biracial Black-&-White dude and I too initially thought that she was from India until she told me one day when I asked about the time zone that she's in. Cause she always pings me in the late evening or wayyyyy too early in the morning. Well, that's what I get for sending her memes. *ba-ding!* "4 A.M. already?! Ughhhh... I'm hitting the snooze." *ba-ding!* I'll be honest though, I'll enjoy Dr. Pepper, but in my opinion Lemon Lime Sodas and Ginger Ale are better all around drinks. Especially cause they help to fight against nausea. Mmmm... Ginger Ale, I need to go and buy myself another pack. They were great to take to college parties, and great to have after the parties especially because for some inexplicable reason I ended up being everybody's dad away from home when they got sick from drinking too much alcohol. Ginger Ale and toast saved our rear ends the most. Well, those and Gatorade too. Had to rehydrate somehow. They got lucky I was also a student athlete and always had to be packing refreshing beverages.

  • I've not had Dr Pepper before. In fact, I've never even seen it being sold anywhere. I just Googled it and saw that we can buy it online but it's super expensive. They listed the price as RM 7.00 per can. A can of Pepsi is like RM 1.20 so you can see the comparison there. I loved how you compared your addiction to Dr. Pepper with your addictions to writing fiction. I feel that was a very brilliant thing to do! I never knew Dr Pepper had such a long history. Wowwww. I wonder if the taste would be something similar to Ginger Beer. I loved your poem so much D!!

  • Grz Colm3 months ago

    Bahahah. I love Dr Pepper as well. I must admit, trying it as a child I didn’t not but later on I did. Yes cherry is swell too! 😁 This line was so HKB “Slurp, slurp and Buuuuurp I dab my chin with my shirt” ! Hahah 🤣 Cheers!

  • Mark Gagnon3 months ago

    All this from a single can of soda. Are you sure you're not Texan? they adore the stuff.

  • Hannah Moore3 months ago

    I'm not sure I've ever had a Dr pepper!

  • Andrea Corwin 3 months ago

    This is so good, like Dr. Pepper! LOL. When young I hated it. It’s an acquired taste, and now I love it.😍

  • JBaz3 months ago

    Oh. Now you did it. My son and you have a lot in common, Dr. Pepper is his fave I enjoyed it, but I no longer drink pop……But know I think a sip of the Doc wouldn’t hurt.

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