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The Best Dog Food Brand For Dogs Who Get Bored Of Their Food

Why I've relied on Ollie's fresh dog food subscription for five years and counting…

By Winston SupermuttPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 4 min read

Supported byOllie

Top Story - August 2023

Hey there, fellow pups and pet parents! It's Winston here, and if you've been following my Instagram escapades, you already know that burgers are my all-time favorite food. But let's be honest, a pup can't live on burgers alone, and that's where Ollie swoops in to save the day. For five delightful years since I became part of this family, my mom’s made Ollie my go-to choice – a scrumptious and wholesome option that keeps me wagging for more.

The magic of Ollie lies in its flavor – it's like a burger extravaganza, but with added superfoods for that extra punch of nutrition. And guess what? Mom's secret touch – sometimes she sears it, making it a lip-smacking feast! Ollie's got the recipe right; it's as if they designed it just for me, catering to my taste buds and my health.

With Ollie, I get the best of both worlds - the irresistible flavors of burgers with the goodness of wholesome ingredients. It's like my favorite food, but even better for me. I can't thank mom enough for making the switch to Ollie. It's been a game-changer, keeping me satisfied, healthy, and oh-so-happy! Mealtime has never been more enjoyable, and I'm one content pup, living life to the fullest with Ollie by my side.

I couldn't be more thrilled after being on Ollie for five wonderful years – they've just added a brand new flavor to their lineup: PORK! As a pup who appreciates the finer things in life, this news has me wagging my tail with excitement. I used to get bored of my food when it was the same flavor everyday, but with Ollie, my mom can switch it up every month and now there’s another option to the diverse lineup. Pork is a lean white meat that's just as indulgent and yummy as dark meat – a true delight for my taste buds.

The recipe for this new flavor is a perfect blend of deliciousness and nutrition. With apple and sweet potatoes adding a touch of sweetness, butternut squash offering antioxidants and vitamins, and oats boosting omega-6 giving my coat a lush and shiny look – it's an all-around winning combination.

What's even better is that this new flavor is a game-changer for pups with sensitive stomachs or allergies to beef or chicken. Ollie's consideration for diverse dietary needs ensures that more dogs can now enjoy the benefits of a fresh food diet.

For me, variety is the spice of life, and I'm thrilled to have a different menu rotation with Ollie's new addition. Eating the same food every day can get dull, but with mom's help and Ollie's variety, mealtime is always exciting and enjoyable. The love and care that Ollie puts into providing such fantastic choices make them a top-notch choice for pups like me, who appreciate both scrumptiousness and good health.

Always eager to find the best culinary delights for me, Mom recently introduced a twist to our usual Ollie order by including the baked option. And what a delightful discovery it was! Now, alongside Ollie's regular offerings, I also get to savor the carefully slow-baked goodness they've introduced. These recipes maintain the same high-quality ingredients that Ollie is known for. Thanks to this inclusion, my food routine is diverse and even more exciting than before.

For mom, it's a win-win situation. She feels good about giving me these crunchy morsels, knowing they're as nutritious as the fresh food recipes I've grown to adore.

Ollie offering baked food in their mixed meal plan is a game-changer for me, and provides much enjoyment. Mom's always looking out for my well-being, and with Ollie, she can ensure I get the best nutrition.

The fact that Ollie's baked food is crafted with the same love and attention as their fresh food is a testament to their commitment to pet health and happiness. Thanks to mom's discovery and Ollie's baked recipes, mealtime is now an absolute joy with all different textures, and I'm one content pup!

Mom's profession as a user experience designer has given her a keen eye for seamless interactions and intuitive design. She recently pointed out that some of the reasons we've remained loyal to Ollie over the years are the same principles that drive her work – starting with their packaging. Ollie has mastered the art of easy-peel packages for their fresh food recipes, no more having to resort to scissors, causing unnecessary frustration. This attention to detail and user-centric approach truly sets Ollie apart from the rest. With Ollie, we get both delicious meals and a seamless experience, making it a win-win situation for pets and their owners.

Mom loves that there is the option with Ollie to tailor my meal plan to our exact needs. Since we are often on the go, she opts for the single-serve fresh food packages option to make my meal time super easy!

Mom is absolutely thrilled with Ollie's personalized approach to meeting my specific dietary needs. It's like having a personal chef who tailors every meal just for me! Ollie's recipe portions are meticulously calculated based on my breed, weight, and activity level, ensuring I receive the perfect balance of nutrition to keep me healthy and happy.

Ollie's user-friendly website and app have become mom's best friends. They make managing my meals a breeze for her, and I get to reap the rewards. She can easily switch the delivery date to fit our schedule, change the shipment address when we're on the move, and even swap my recipe selections to keep things interesting. I must say, my meals have never been more exciting and diverse!

The convenience of having everything I need to satisfy my taste buds and maintain my health bundled up in one box with my name on it is unbeatable. Ollie has undoubtedly become an indispensable part of our lives. Their dedication to delivering personalized nutrition, paired with their user-friendly platform and innovative packaging, has won us over. Over the past 5 years of being a customer, Ollie has exceeded both mom's and my expectations. We can’t wait to continue being customers for many more years to come and try all their new flavors - like this delicious pork!

If you and your pawrents are also interested in joining the #MyOllie family, click down below and start reaping the benefits of a fresh food diet!

pet food

About the Creator

Winston Supermutt

Rescued SATO pup living in Big Apple.

Learning to be a city sleeker one step at a time.

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  • Andrea Corwin 2 months ago

    Are those self portraits, Winston? If so, you are so cute and handsome! I hope you are well and filing your stories for someday publishing on Vocal again.

  • Abdullah7 months ago


  • Article Pins9 months ago


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