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A Tale of Compassion and Connection in a Sweltering City

By Calorie MonroyPublished 21 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Margarita Kosior on Unsplash

Amid a boisterous burgh, with a strip of town and the rat-a-tat of urban life glancing down the street and around the corners, there was a cowboy dog called Max. Max was a roving boy filled with more exuberant vim and pep than his skinny body. Even though he was a down-and-out little, he slinked through the city with his molasses-colored teeth plastered on his mouth, his abnormally attractive eyelashes winking over his cheery sparkly eye.

As the summer sun beat down relentlessly, casting shimmering waves of heat across the pavement, Max found himself struggling to cope with the sweltering temperatures. With no permanent home to seek refuge in and limited access to fresh water or shade, he felt the oppressive heat bearing down on him, sapping his strength and leaving him weary and irritable.

The inability to sweat such as a human sweat does make dogs like Max not only achieve thermal regulation but not an effective one spell. As the very high day started to pass, Max began to display typical symptoms of high-rapid-heat intensity. Max increasingly breathing rapidly and also harder, his tongue hanging further from his mouth in an attempt to release heat that was so severe over his body. Maximum headed for fresh surfaces to lie on to help relief from a merciless, hot sun.

And in the early afternoon, with the people of Paris sweltering and panting on sidewalks and in hotel courtyards, there were, besides Max, countless thousands of other animals in the city who also had death staring them in the face from every paving stone and every tree and every corner: there ware the stray cats and dogs snuggling under parked cars; the snails boiling in public parks; and the birds, including the pigeons on and the coups, crouching in the shadows of tall buildings.

Though they did not speak our language or articulate their needs with spoken words, these miraculous creatures spoke to us in the most universal language of all – the language of the heart. By their language of the eyes, the language of their acts, and the language of their gestures, they revealed a depth of feeling and openness that begged for compassion and understanding.

It was when the day was scorching and the city was alive with hustle and bustle that humanity’s generosity and sympathy were truly tested. It was only by sharing a glass of water with a sweltering stray, wrapping oneself in a thick blanket beside a shivering pigeon and just helping a tired dog along the way that the boundaries between people and animals were blurred and the flowers of kindness sown.

But for Max and his friends, the battle against the sweltering sun was not only a battle for life; but also a lesson in how everything is connected in this world and all living beings are interconnected and fragile. When the hunt for food, water, and a roof over our heads became the main ambition of life, then each act of kindness and help became the bridge of compassion that people weaved between the species and which the animals themselves felt.

The days got longer. The sun dipped closer to the horizon, blanketing the cityscape in a warm orange glow, in a quiet desperation the entire time. Yet, in that despondent solitude, there was something. Max found himself seeking comfort from the open pan man a cool drink of water, a gentle scratch behind the ears. And there, too, he sensed the fleeting, fleeting connection to something beyond him, something beyond words. It had been an undeniable bond – delight in the uncontrollable, tumultuous power of existence which could not have a verbal expression but transcended species.

So, while the city sleeps, and the stars twinkle over our heads, remember: our hearts have the infinite power to extend – touch the lives of every one of those who walk through our lives, be it on four legs or two. Let’s give those who need it: let’s be the voice of the voiceless, the inner whisperer of the weak, and the warriors of compassion to a world that sorely needs them. And together we shall build a world in which every sentient being is loved, adored, openly embraced, no matter their size, shape, color, or kind. And we shall pave the way to the world where kindness prevails on everything else, and every smallest creature shall find its cozy place inside the warm haven of our hearts.

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Calorie Monroy

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