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Mario the Jumping Spider

The Newest of the Household Spiders

By Megan Baker (Left Vocal in 2023)Published 9 months ago 3 min read
Mario the Jumping Spider
Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

Several years ago, I wrote about a spider in our house, who my partner and I called Yo-yo (the spider spent a lot of time descending and ascending their web strand, hence the name). Read more about Yo-yo here.

Shortly after I wrote about the spider, she/he/they passed; whether there wasn't enough food as autumn drew near or the spider was more injured by one of the cats than we thought, that spider died within a few days of that post.

By Sudan Ouyang on Unsplash

There's been some other arachnids that I've considered writing about in the years since, like the creepiest of the lot, Scroop (named after a villain in Disney's Treasure Planet). However, by the time I usually think to write about one, the little buggers disappear - or die. I can't rule out that the cats kill some.

The latest in this long line of household spiders is a little jumping spider who lives - of all places - in our bathtub. Or, rather, the window over the bathtub.

By Point3D Commercial Imaging Ltd. on Unsplash

That's where I met him.

My partner may have seen him first; it's been over a month since we first noticed our little jumping friend, so it's hard to say with as many other spiders as we've seen this year. He does usually look for and find spiders much more often than I do, so I wouldn't be surprised if he did find the little bugger first.

The first time I met the spider, I had just started a shower. A small movement on the window caught my eye; this little jumping spider was moving along the base of the window, seeking refuge from the light spray that reaches the window as the shower is going.

I'm not overly fond of spiders, though nearly a decade with my partner has taught me to be at least a little more forgiving of the insects in our home. So, as I saw this little one skittering for safety, I muttered to it, "You're going down towards where the water collects. If you get in there, that's on you."

A minute later, however, and I noticed it was huddled under an upturned pump bottle (a pump bottle I turned upside down to let the last bit of product collect at the mouth of the bottle). The bottle was leaned up against the window, and it was under the raised pump section that this spider sought refuge.

By Davide Vattuone on Unsplash

It was this that endeared me to the little jumping spider.

"Well, you're a clever one, I'll give you that," I grumbled. Then, as I continued to look at him, "I guess you are kinda cute. For a spider..."

By the end of my shower, I had already mentally named the little spider; Mario. Since he jumps all over. And how can I hate a spider if I name it after an iconic character like Mario?

And so, Mario has largely been living in our bathtub area for the last month or so. I wish I could find him when I have my phone at hand; I only seem to be able to find him when I am in the shower washing, so I haven't been able to get a photo of the actual spider!

That said, I did find the little bugger crawling around on my toothbrush holder a few days ago! Perhaps he's wised up that the shower window is not the safest place for a tiny spider like himself. I don't think there's much in the way of food for him there anyway.

By Sara Groblechner on Unsplash

Time will tell where little Mario the jumping spider winds up, though we've only ever seen him in that bathroom.

Not gonna lie - I'm kinda rooting for that little spider...

...So long as he stays off my damn toothbrush!

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About the Creator

Megan Baker (Left Vocal in 2023)

A fun spin on her last name, Baker enjoyed creating "Baker's Dozen" lists for various topics! She also wrote candidly about her mental health & a LOT of fiction. Discontinued writing on Vocal in 2023 as Vocal is a fruitless venture.

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